
Once again, I’ve run across this list of little-known “facts.” I know some of these statements are false. Which ones? I’ll only list the ones I suspect.
2. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
7. Two thirds of the world’s eggplant is grown in New Jersey.
9. On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag.
11. No word in the English language rhymes with month, silver, or purple. (and what about orange?)
12. “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in “mt.”
15. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies’ room during a dance.
17. There are only four words in the English language that end in “dous:” tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, hazardous.
21. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
25. A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours. (all species?)
30. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
31. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
33. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

Anybody got a clue?


Hirple, meaning to limp, rhymes with purple.

Daydreamt, outdreamt, redreamt, and undreamt all end in -mt as well, but that’s it. So that statement is pretty much true.

Amadous, apodous, decapodous, iodous, nodous, nonhazardous, palladous, ultrahazardous, and vanadous all end in -dous, but none are common words.

  1. We no longer have a $2 bill, but a $2 coin, since 1996.

  2. An image of the last $2 bill is available here. Even in the small reproduction, I can see that the flag is Canadian. Older $2 notes did not depict Parliament.
    The microwave one is true, though, I think.

Well, I know 31 is true.

If memory serves, the flag on the CDN $2 is the old Dominion of Canada flag (pre maple-leaf… I don’t have one to check). I think it had the Union Jack in the upper corner, which could make the flag mistaken for a US stars and stripes since it is so small on the bill.

It’s the ‘Red Ensign’, the pre-Maple-Leaf flag (Can’t remember the year the Maple Leaf was made official, it was in living memory, though.).

It’s a red field, with the nation’s coat of arms on the right side, and the Union Jack in the top left corner - where the field of stars is on the US flag.

When it’s as small as it is on the bill, it could be mistaken for the American flag (Or the Australian, or a half-dozen others) by someone who doesn’t know about the Red Ensign.

The speaker is allowed to speak, but does not take part in debates.

#7 Is BS. We grow lots of tomatoes and cranberries though.

25 is definitely untrue. Many dragonflies live weeks if not months as adults. Many mayflies, on the other hand, live only a day or two as adults.

Seven minutes from when? From the time they lie down? Turn of the lights? Decide to sleep?

*Originally posted by matt_mcl *

No, the microwave effect was discovered by radar researchers at MIT who were investigating why their new frequency of radar wouldn’t penetrate fog. That’s what Doc Edgerton told me, and I have no reason to doubt him.

Number 2 is true.


Works for me.

*Originally posted by Chas.E *


Let’s distinguish between “microwaves” themselves and the microwave oven. Percy Spencer is credited with applying this interesting discovery of the effects of microwaves on food to the development of the microwave oven.


So #31 is “not exactly true, but not exactly false, either.”

Dijon- Number 2 is false. There are no peanuts in dynamite. Quit helping to spread this kind of misinformation.

Er, Sam? Did you read the link?

What DDG said. :slight_smile:

Hmm… let me evaluate… What Doc Edgerton, one of the world’s greatest radar engineers told me personally in a one-on-one meeting when I asked him pointed questions about his research in underwater sensors, or an unattributed anecdote I read on a web page. I think I’ll stick with Doc Edgerton’s version.

But they didn’t say that Peanuts were in every stick of dynamite. It would only be true if they said, Peanuts CAN be used to make dynamite.

The article does not really prove that peanuts are in a stick of dynamite, just that to make the glycerol, peanuts can be used.

Yes, I read the link. If one were to go through the process of making glycerol from peanut oil, one would have glycerol, but one would no longer have peanuts. What you do with the glycerol is your biz.

Let’s say you used your glycerol to make a sweetner. Should it have a warning lable to users that it contains peanuts, to which many people are alergic? Of course not.

Whoever wrote that link might be a good entertainer, but a damn poor scientist or logician.