
I was browsing through my school’s Physics department web page looking for some info. I load up the help page and I was just scanning the page when much to my surprise I see that we have a Fag-O-Matic! Upon closer inspection I see that its actually a Faq-O-Matic not a Fag-O-Matic. I’m thinking they need to pick a different font, or not underline the links. :slight_smile:

I misread FAQ all the time when it’s underlined.

“fag-o-matic” gets 16 hits on Google.

Fagomatic: the latest in cigarette dispensing!

I’d never leave the house.

I supose it’s too late to sneak it into the RNC…

Perhaps a real Fag-O-Matic could produce those yummy pork meatballs that we chatted about a few weeks back.

I could easily direct my own porn.

Who wants in? (Not that way!)

Sounds like a piece of equipment the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy folks would use.

“We’ll just strip the ugly clothes out of your closet with the Fag-O-Matic…”

Geez, guys - you talk about this as if it’s a good thing. Does nobody remember the Bass-O-Matic[sup]TM[/sup]? I suppose gays like a good grind as much as straights do, but puree is just going too far.