I’ve been reading this stuff myself- interesting ideas for processors.
But as far as actual diamonds go, as mentioned, the scarcity- and thus market value- has been artifically controlled. DeBeers is sitting on literally warehouses full of diamonds, but they dole them out skillfully and carefully to control the market price.
And make no mistake- DeBeers is THE diamond marketplace. They hold the total monopoly, and any other suppliers (supposedly a few Russian and French sources) are literally a drop in the bucket. DeBeers will probably buy them out too.
Put it this way- what do you think prices would be if you could ONLY buy computers and software direct from Microsoft? That there were NO competitors, no Apple, no Linux, no third-party programmers. You bought MS or nothing.
That’s what DeBeers has- if you have a diamond, in anything other than an industrial use (like a diamond-tipped ceramic saw or a diamond knife hone) then that diamond came from DeBeers.
They have carefully cultivated the idea of diamonds as tokens of affection for a century- and look at cainxinth’s reply: It worked!
Basically it’s a matter of cash- the lady feels you’re more sincere when you spring for a $5,000 rock than a $250 cubic zirconia.
If the artificials are marketed at near the cost of real, the lady won’t care- you still spent $4,200 on her.
And considering how many women flaunt huge cubic zirconia, I have little doubt they’ll step right up for the chance to show off a 5-carat real diamond, even though it’s artifical.
If the General is smart, he could even start offering custom made diamonds- you want blue-green? It’s yours. The lady likes red? Here’s a three-carat rose`. That takes the supposed “stigma” away from it being an artificial- sure, it’s a man-made diamond, but the lady can say, he had it made for ME!
Plus, as noted in the Wired article, you can be assured they’re not “conflict diamonds”- and with more and more women joining up with the bunny-huggers and other activist lifestyles, that- properly marketed- can have a powerful draw.