I went rollerskating today. I used to all the time but it had been 22 years.
Long story short, I fell. Right down. 5’11" down. Right on my butt, middle.
I felt awful and took my skates off.
Shortly after that, the session ended and we walked across to the grocery store.
Halfway through, I felt sick-like and needed to sit down or I’s fall down.
Is this a common response to a jolting fall?
I am fine now.
But sore.
It absolutelty can be the result of such a fall, especially if you aint a kid anymore. I fell on my ass in a warehouse a few years ago and although the fall did not hurt all that much I was definitely out of sorts for quite a while after.
As a skater myself, (www.skatetrash.org) I have my share of falls. The last one a couple of weeks ago. Got airborne on a bump and fell on my right chest. Knocked the wind out of me. A couple of days later the rotater cuff area hurt. Oh, and a good roadrash on my right elbow.
I have experienced that feeling after a fall. A little head dizzy mixed with nausea in the stomach and intestines.
As far as the nausea, I think the fall just jolts your body so that things shift, and bloodflows alter. On at least one occasion, that feeling came with a sudden urge to take a big dump.
I can definitely back this feeling up, as I used to skate ramps and rails, and once while clearing a really high box I basically flatbottomed 6 feet landed on my ass and felt the immediate urge to go #2 even though I really didn’t have to.