Fallout 4 Countdown

“A Kiss to Build a Dream On” from 2 will always be THE Fallout song for me.

I’ve been whistling it at work all morning.

Assuming the alternate universe which is Fallout uses the same construction materials and techniques we do as opposed to, say, prefab Unobtainium.

Any time something in Fallout doesn’t make sense, divergence did it.

Incidentally I don’t think we can entirely rule out the player character (who seems to be voiced at the end of the trailer) being an android. Every Vault is an experiment - what if Vault 111 is experimenting with androids as its denizens, with the plot being to overthrow the oppressive Institute as the colonists threw off the oppressive British in the same city?

Nah, we get to play as a dog this time. The vault guy at the end of the trailer must just be a companion or something. He’s obviously not important since we didn’t see much of him.

Well Dogmeat was always the REAL star of the games, so it’s logical that they finally decided to eliminate the pointless human character. I wonder if you can customize your Dogmeat not to be a German Shepperd?, perhaps a Lab?.

Maybe they’ll have a hardcore mode where he’s a pug.

There’s nothing that says 100% you’re a vault dweller (or even that that’s you). In New Vegas you had a Pip-Boy (also Pimp-Boy) and you wear a variety of vault uniforms.

It’ll be like old-school GTA, where every 6 inch puddle is a deathtrap.

They could at least try that argument, like calling it technobabblium or madeitupium.

I’m not sure about the quality of such a game after the generally inclination by large companies to target huge playerbases instead of concentrating on specific niches.
Fallout 3 was dumbed down. Elder Scrolls 3 was dumbed down. I refused to even download Skyrim let alone buy it.
omg: Getting goosebumbs from the graphics and atmosphere!

Skyrim was “dumbed down” in a mostly good way as was New Vegas. They scrapped the classic, horrible minmaxing TES leveling system that Oblivion had and removed the chaff. And Fallout 3 (or was it only the GFWL component) was especially dumb as it referenced Xbox controls in Windows.

I just recalled that there was a hint years ago that Three Dog would be back in this game. I hope he gets more dialogue. I heard everything he has to say a lot, except for the stuff about Broken Steel, which I never completed.

Seems like I saw something recently that the voice actor hinted that Three Dog would be back.

Apparently, he moved to Kansas City and opened a pet bakery.


That was from two years ago, so I suspect it’s the same story I remember from way back. I’d be happy to know if there was any recent news on that front.

Even in post-apocalyptia, making cakes out of cats and dogs seems a bit sick.

How do you tell the difference between pre- and post-apocalyptic Boston anyway? I assume it’s mostly that the traffic is slightly better.

Think the Big Dig will be a giant underground nest of death?


As I mentioned in another thread, New Vegas killed console gaming for me, except for the exclusives, as it was a bug ridden mess. I’ve had New Vegas from a Steam sale for ages now and I think now is the right time to mod it up and give it another go. I’ll probably “just” go with the bug fixes and visual improvements for now.

Or are there any other recommended mods?

A few of the mods I used:

Imps TimeScale Adjuster (to make the day-night cycle last longer)
A mod that makes the dark darker
Electro City (adds streetlights and teams of engineers along major thoroughfares)
Bottle That Water (so that I can bottle my own water, duh)
Transportalponder With Companions (to make the endgame reward from Old World Blues work a lot better)
Companion Sandbox (so I could have Cass, Veronica, ED-E and Rex all join me on my adventures)

The jswayer mod is quasi-obligatory. Like it says on the tin, it was written by Josh Sawyer (the game’s lead designer) and it turns the game into what he feels is the “right” Fallout experience. Lots of rebalancing & tweaking, generally to make the game more difficult & making every perk worth a pick, plus some bugfixing.

There are a few very good radio mods out there - Radio Free Wasteland, Mojave Music Radio and Existence 2.0 are all cool when you’re tired of hearing Big Iron for the fiftieth time in the evening.

For the visuals : FellOut is good (the removal of the orange filter alone makes it worth it IMHO).