For the Wikipedia, I am preparing a list of “Famous People Who have Died due to Illicit Drug Abuse” (not just overdoes).
You would think there would be such a list easily available on the Web, wouldn’t you?
I can’t find it. I would appreciate a link.
Otherwise, I am making my own list, but only have about twenty names so far.
Little help?
Not really what you are asking for, but here is a link to rock star deaths, if it is of any help. There are 40 names listed as drug overdose deaths.
That is a help, thanks.
I am still impressed there is no such list on the Web. Remarkable.
Had another look:
This site may help a little more, although there is still only 2 listed as drug abuse rather than overdose.
The first site is from a Fundamentalist slant, but still interesting. Remarkable how many rockers are murdered. One was hit by a train.
OK, let me try this second site.