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I’m fine with an e-mail draft. When do we start?

Chaim Mattis Keller

E-mail draft sounds … intriguing. But, I’m okay with it.

Yeah, some of whom didn’t check in for 24 hours or so and found themselves shut out of the action already this time around. I was really hoping to improve on last year’s third-place finish. I’m really not up to committing to several hours online for a live draft, but maybe I’ll have to go that route.

OK, I’m going to send out an email asking for first round selections. I’m going to send the email to the address listed on the Manager’s page. Pantellerite’s email will go to the email listed on the SDMB profile. Sqooshed, I didn’t have an email for you, so I’m sending it to your Yahoo ID.

If you need the email address changed, please contact me with the new address by email.

Zev Steinhardt

Sqooshed, the Yahoo! address failed. Please email me your address!

Zev Steinhardt

You got my vote for this scheme in the form of an e-mail with my first three picks!

And, yes my SDMB profile e-mail is my preferred one… else, I may’ve never seen it!

Got your email. Still waiting for the others before I tell you who you got, though. (Don’t want to influence the other picks.)

Zev Steinhardt

Squooshed, we need your email address for this draft… Still waiting…

Zev Steinhardt

Sorry about the delay. I’m a Seattle resident and we had a bit of excitement here yesterday that kept me off of the message board. Nothing too troubling, just the earth buckling like a wave on the f@#$ing ocean. Anyway, I have submitted my first seven picks to Zev by e-mail now.

I do have one problem. I’m leaving for Cabo San Lucas on Saturday and will have pretty much no access to e-mail, the internet or anything else electronic until I return on Monday, March 12. If waiting is going to be a big problem, I could try to do a big autodraft-type list before I leave and send it to Zev.


That’s OK. Those things happen. But no more earthquakes now, ya hear? :slight_smile:


Well, since we’re already underway, we’ll go with your suggestion. When you get back, let me know so we can stop “autodrafting” your team.

Zev Steinhardt

John Corrado - do you have all of your teams yet? I’m interested in joining, but a little nervous - I’m a huge baseball fan, but have never done the fantasy thing before. Does anyone mind having a total novice in the league?


Julie, speaking as an owner in John Corrado’s league, you’re more than welcome to join! I’m not exactly an expert myself. :wink:

Hmm . . . Tuesday night, the tuesday before the proposed draft, would work for me. Or Friday night, but then I’d have to be up quite late and there’s a dopefest the next day.

Take everything I say tonight with a grain of salt, for I have a headache right now. Had to write the same paper twice in three hours.

Thanks, Rick - yeah, I know. A novice is a whole lot easier to beat! :wink:

Speedin’ Salukis checkin’ in on League two!

See! You’re catchin’ on already! :smiley:


I have been trying to contact you via email for most of the day. I don’t want to slow down the draft process. I received your email that you have not heard from me, so I am posting here as well as at Yahoo. Please send me another email(possibly another address?). I have been able to email to others today.

Anything but a Monday or Tuesday night…
My nightshift won’t allow it on those nights…
I am hoping for the original date and time.

Friday’s work for me…
John? Any one?

Got the email.


Okay, folks.

It looks like we’ve moved to Wednesday, March 21st, 10:25 PM EST for the SDMB League Two Draft.

Is there anyone for whom this is a problem? Speak now, or forever hold your peace. I think Wednesday is going to be the best night over-all for everyone.

Oh, and we still only have 12 people signed up, so anyone still wishing to join is more than welcome!


John, I suggest you limit your league to 12 teams. More than that spreads the talent too thin, and is too many rosters to keep track of. Do you want Jeff Kent at 2B or Ron Belliard?