I’m sorry to see the old girl go as well. I woke up at 9am (yes, on a saturday :eek: ) to run downstairs and turn on ESPN Classic, and first thing I see and hear is Myron Cope. Good God, you don’t need any coffee after that, let me tell you.
Great show today – interviews with Myron, Franco Harris, Jack Lambert, Chuck Noll, Rocky Blier, and some others I may have missed. Then the ass whipping we handed to the 'skins.
Then, back to ESPN classic for 150 more minutes of Steeler nostalgia – The 1972 playoff game against the Raiders, and the shows on Superbowls 75, 76, 78, and 79. Of course, by the time those were over, it was 7pm and I had damn near wiped out a case of beer. And I was drooling on myself.
All in all, a good day to be a Stihler fan. Now, we gotta hope that Detroit can somehow knock off the Jets tomorrow afternoon.
And nineiron:
Well, would you like to start with 4 Superbowls teams and 2 World Series wins in a period of 8 years?
Well I have, many times. And I like it.
nineiron, even if someplace is not the greatest, newest, fanciest (pick your word) – After thirty years of emotional highs (we’ve had our share) and lows (we’ve had our share of these as well), you kinda become attached to a place. Is that a tough concept?
It’s bittersweet. I am sorry to see 3RS go, and I am excited to see the new stadium in August.