I bought a current copy of Harris’ Farmers Almanac because I like to check sunrise/sunset times often, and other related items.
Well, it’s wrong. :mad:
The November and possibly December 2001 sunrise/set times are all amiss. ARRRGH. I hope the whole damned book isn’t wrong!
I checked to see what the sunrise for, today, November 1 was supposed to be for my region (northern states). My book says: Sunrise 6:39 am - Sunset at 4:48 pm. Uh-huh, yeah right sure
I can accept the one minute difference between Weather.com and Old Farmer’s Almanac Online. That’s no big deal, really. But 38 minutes difference sunrise and 51 minutes difference sunset is ludicrous! How in the hell did that happen?
Looking down the line of my Harris’ Farmers Almanac the sunrise time of 7:17 am is listed for November 30!!! Something is seriously fucked up here!!!
Me thinks it’s time to run to the store, and cross examine the various brands of almanacs and see if it’s just the Harris one that is wacko, or what.
FTR: I am not misreading the book, nor does it seem a mere misprint. The whole timetable is berserk. :mad:
Ok, I re-re-rechecked some things and found that I was reading for the wrong region, however the times are still incorrect!
It lists the regions as follows:
Northern States 45ºN LAT 75ºLONG
Middle States 40ºN LAT 75º LONG
Southern States 35ºN LAT 75º LONG
I am Indiana, so that puts me in the Middle States region, NOT the Northern States. I checked my us map to verify the LAT/LONG.
But the times are still nutty! For the Middle States region, it says Nov. 1 Sunrise 6:29 am - Sunset 4:57pm!
I am suspicious of something. It lists all regions at 75º LONG. That is the Atlantic coastline. WTF is up with that?
FTR: There are no instructions on how to read the book. Maybe, I am reading it wrong, but I don’t see how.
Well, there a couple of reasons:
[li]It’s interesting to me to watch the seasons change.[/li][li]I loathe winter, and the short daylight hours that go with it.[/li][li]OTOH, The later the sun rises, the less guilty I feel about sleeping in. (I sleep in a great deal.)[/li][li]DST sucks even though I don’t have to turn my clock.[/li][li]There are times I like to get up at sunrise to clean up the yard and house, etc.[/li]
That pretty much sums it up. Just a trivial thing I find endearing and entertaining. Hope that answers your question.
I had to go the store and look at a copy of a different brand of Farmers Almanac, to figure out how it works. Now it all makes sense. The Almanac that I originally bought didn’t mention how to calculate make-up for LOCAL time difference, or that I even needed to!!! It only gave a very vague reference.
I wish I had bought The Old Farmer’s Almanac in the first place. The instructions in there are plain and simple to understand, and even provide you a conversion table. NIFTY!
So, now that I know how it works: I must add 48 minutes to the printed sunrise time, and add 42 minutes to the printed sunset time. Sigh…
Sorry for the hassle. I know no one replied to this but I apologize anyway. If only the Harris had instructions… maybe I should write them and tell them about that.