Here is some help for you(or anyone) to catch up.
A Snurcher’s Guide to Farscape
This web page shows the order the eps were shown in. It contains a guide for each ep, showing what both the fans and the creators were thinking when each one aired. Massive spoilers in there, but you might as well read them to catch up. This page is very much like “A lurkers guide to Bab 5”.
Combining my analysis and David Kemper’s info(he’s the main writer), here is some basic help. The story arc works like this. Spoilers below, but pretty vague.
Season One: Through the Wormhole
Episodes 1-14: Intro to the show and its initial main characters. Very little arc. Focus of show is that John is being chased by Crais, whose brother he accidentaly killed when he came through wormhole.
Episodes 15-22: John meets Ancients, who are looking for a home planet of their own and reject earth because of our xenophobia(essentialy). Still, the secretly implant Wormhole technology into Crichton becasue they like him and believe that he may be someday worthy to access it. Scorpius enters the show and becomes main villain. He secretly implants a clone of himself in Crichton’s mind to look for wormhole technology. Oh, Moya is pregnant and having a male child, named Talyn.
Season Two: Meet Our Hero, He’s Nuts
Episodes 1-18: John decends into madness as Scorpius clone takes over his mind. He refuses to give in, even if it means committing suicide to free himself of the clone. Oh, Talyn is born with weapons on him and Crais has connected himself to it. Talyn chooses Crais to be his commander.
Episodes 19-22: The crew decide to rob a massive, Fort Knox like bank in order to have enough funds to survive. They encounter Scorpius there and the show reaches its first real climax. John defeats Scorpy, but can’t kill him because the clone has too much control of him. Scorpius’ clone takes full control over John and he kills Aeryn Sun. John decides to get the wormhole chip out of his mind, even if it means losing all his memories or even killing him. A doctor removes the wormhole technology chip, destroying John’s ability to talk. After the chip is removed, Scorpius arrives and steals the wormhole chip, but allows John to live so that “his thirst for unfulfilled revenge will consume him.”
Season Three: The Season of Death
Episode One: Zhaan gives nearly all her spiritual energy to Aeryn Sun and raises her from the dead. Unfortunately, this lays waste to Zhaan and makes her ill unto the point of death. John finds out that even with teh chip gone, his mind still has a remnant of the Scorpius clone in him, but he now controls it. Crais and Talyn kill Scorpius.
Episodes 2-4: John discovers(through a confusing story) that if he can control the wormholes, he can get home. Zhaan, near death, sacrifices herself in order to free Moya and the crew from another ship that is lodged in Moya. Zhaan is dead. Jool, a human-like alien, is unfrozen and joins the show(she has yet to play a major role). Stark is now part of the main crew.
Episodes 5-18: John is twinned, not cloned. There are now two Crichtons, each equal and original. One goes with part of the crew(including Aeryn) on Talyn. One stays on Moya with the rest of the crew. During these episoded, the show is split into Talynscape and Moyascape. Every other episode is for each ship. The Moya crew learn that Scorpius is still alive and is getting close to mastering Wormhole technology. The Talyn crew learn that the Scarrans want the technology. TalynJohn meets the Ancients again, who open up his mind to the wormhole technology. He uses it, defeats a Scarran fleet, frees himself of the Scorpy clone remnant, but receives a large dose of radiation and dies. Aeryn is devastated since she was deeply in love with this John.
The crews reunite and Aeryn is very distant from John. Chiana is experiencing psychic abilities. Jool is warming up to D’argo. Stark has left both crews in order to search for Zhaan’s spirit, who he believes will tell him something important. John decides to go and defeat Scorpius at all costs, even if it means death. Only Aeryn and Crais join him. Both Moya and Talyn will not go, since both believe it is too risky…
And that is where we are. As a side note, evey character has “died” or been pronounced dead once during this season. It’s something the writers thought would be fun to try. If you want a brief account of their “deaths” I can type it later. Hope this helps.