Farscape appreciation thread

I just started getting hooked on this show in the last few weeks. I don’t know why - I’ve heard of it, had friends tell me about it, but I felt no interest. But I guess the recent storyline just “grabbed” me. And now Sci-Fi is showing re-runs, so I’m catching up on the old episodes too.

Why is this show so enjoyable? I don’t think it’s terribly profound, or “deep”. But I really am starting to look forward to each episode (especially the re-runs.) I guess it’s the characters - they are all quirky and interesting, and Jphn Chricton (sp?) is just this “everyman” guy stuck in the middle of it all. Is that the appeal? I’m trying to figure it all out, still.

All I know is that I am getting a huge kick out of it. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

I love Farscape. It satisfies my soul left bereft after the end of Babylon 5.

We haven’t had the latest couple of series yet here in NZ, but I’ve already emailed the TV station asking for more. And crossing fingers hoping they get here.

I know it’s cliched, but – Farscape rocks!

To me, the greatest appeal of Farscape is the character development as the show progresses. Over the course of three seasons, the relationships between the characters have evolved in a natural manner. I don’t find the friendships or conflicts to be forced or contrived (no more than is necessary for an hour long sci-fi program). Loyalties may change, but for plausible reasons.

The vast array of aliens that appear on the show top any program I can think of. Most creatures they encounter are humanoid, but the make-up artists have more flexibility than sticking putty on the bridges of actors’ noses. The Jim Henson Creature Shop has outdone themselves with the range of expression in the puppets’ faces.

What keeps me watching, though, are the continuing story arcs – the first two seasons have had four-part finales! The continuity editors must be working overtime, because the episodes constantly make use of previous events. THis is not Star Trek, where everything has to be back to normal at the end of the episode. I won’t spoil anything for those who are just starting to watch the re-runs, but I have cried more than once at a particularly poignant episode, and laughed out loud countless times.

I love it.

I don’t by John as a physicist for a second, but he’s plenty cute, and funny as hell.

I can’t quite put my finger on what’s so awesome about the show, either, except that the characters hold it together. There are a few interesting aliens with unusual traits, but in the end they always have very believable motivations and emotions. Both the main charaters and the incidental characters are great.

The sets and costumes are gorgeous, the SFX are great.

I also give huge props to a show with good continuity. Story-arcs that take more than one episode, recurring characters, even old characters from past seasons that pop up again, characters that change and evolve over time.

Because of the great overall quality, I’m willing to forgive Farscape a lot of bad moves. Two Crichtons? Now, that’s just stoopid. Yeah, yeah, we get it–last season was Torture D’Argo Season, this is Torture Aeryn Season. . .
At least, thank the Goddess


they finally killed off Stark!

Oh. Oh. Farscape. I am frelling obsessed.

In just about every sex scene ( and there are so many, Goddess bless them ), the female is on top. See, other races are far more advanced…

I’m the biggest Farscape fan(seen every ep., have them all on tape, and have read the Farscape novel).

I love this show. It’s as good as Babylon 5 and is equally well plotted out. We are in the middle of a huge arc and I love it. I have no idea where this is all going, but I am loving the journey.

Does anyone else miss Zhaan desperately? I do. I love Stark and am coming to accept Jool, but no one can replace Zhaan. Here, look at this picture.


Even without makeup, you can see the role Virginia Hey played on the show. She was the elder and mother for everyone.

Gosh, it’d be great if she weren’t gone forever.
Did I say that? No. Forget it. She’s gone. Sure. That’s it. You believe that.

Anywho(wink, wink), I love Farscape. Actually, it’s so good I find myself feeling bad for those who don’t watch it. What could they possible watch on television?

Here’s a recommendation to anyone just starting to watch the series through. The show really gets going in the 15th episode, when Chiana joins. This was when the show was renewed and the actual arc of the show begins(episodes 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 are critical to the arc). If you watch those episodes, you will be amazed.

Thanks everyone. It is so nice to discover other fans!

Mahaloth - there’s a novel? What is it about? Is it good? Where can I get it?

And yeah, it looks like we all agree - it’s the characters. I haven’t seen enough episodes to know much about the story arcs, but from what I’ve seen - man! Stuff goes on! It isn’t like they have to make everything back to the status quo at the end of each episode. I definitely like that.

Podkayne - I don’t buy John as a physicist either, but he is cute, and very funny. It took me a while to get used to him. He just looked like a plastic frat-boy type at first. Now I see he is a funny, cute, affable and reasonably smart frat-boy type!

I like all the other characters too. All are well-cast, and are growing on me more and more. It’s hard to pick a favorite - they’re all great.

I found some Farscape web sites with some listings of episodes, etc. which has helped me catch up. I just didn’t know what episodes I’d seen, and in what order, and I’m a bit confused. But it looks like I missed the pilot (which was cheap on VHS so I ordered it from Amazon). I’ve seen the next 5 or so eps., and then the last half of the 3rd season. I was blown away by this week’s episode, which apparently is the first ep. from season 3? I was completely lost at first. SO much going on. It will be fun catching up on everything, but I am kind of watching the episodes bass-ackwards.

Here is some help for you(or anyone) to catch up.

A Snurcher’s Guide to Farscape


This web page shows the order the eps were shown in. It contains a guide for each ep, showing what both the fans and the creators were thinking when each one aired. Massive spoilers in there, but you might as well read them to catch up. This page is very much like “A lurkers guide to Bab 5”.

Combining my analysis and David Kemper’s info(he’s the main writer), here is some basic help. The story arc works like this. Spoilers below, but pretty vague.

Season One: Through the Wormhole

Episodes 1-14: Intro to the show and its initial main characters. Very little arc. Focus of show is that John is being chased by Crais, whose brother he accidentaly killed when he came through wormhole.

Episodes 15-22: John meets Ancients, who are looking for a home planet of their own and reject earth because of our xenophobia(essentialy). Still, the secretly implant Wormhole technology into Crichton becasue they like him and believe that he may be someday worthy to access it. Scorpius enters the show and becomes main villain. He secretly implants a clone of himself in Crichton’s mind to look for wormhole technology. Oh, Moya is pregnant and having a male child, named Talyn.

Season Two: Meet Our Hero, He’s Nuts

Episodes 1-18: John decends into madness as Scorpius clone takes over his mind. He refuses to give in, even if it means committing suicide to free himself of the clone. Oh, Talyn is born with weapons on him and Crais has connected himself to it. Talyn chooses Crais to be his commander.

Episodes 19-22: The crew decide to rob a massive, Fort Knox like bank in order to have enough funds to survive. They encounter Scorpius there and the show reaches its first real climax. John defeats Scorpy, but can’t kill him because the clone has too much control of him. Scorpius’ clone takes full control over John and he kills Aeryn Sun. John decides to get the wormhole chip out of his mind, even if it means losing all his memories or even killing him. A doctor removes the wormhole technology chip, destroying John’s ability to talk. After the chip is removed, Scorpius arrives and steals the wormhole chip, but allows John to live so that “his thirst for unfulfilled revenge will consume him.”

Season Three: The Season of Death

Episode One: Zhaan gives nearly all her spiritual energy to Aeryn Sun and raises her from the dead. Unfortunately, this lays waste to Zhaan and makes her ill unto the point of death. John finds out that even with teh chip gone, his mind still has a remnant of the Scorpius clone in him, but he now controls it. Crais and Talyn kill Scorpius.

Episodes 2-4: John discovers(through a confusing story) that if he can control the wormholes, he can get home. Zhaan, near death, sacrifices herself in order to free Moya and the crew from another ship that is lodged in Moya. Zhaan is dead. Jool, a human-like alien, is unfrozen and joins the show(she has yet to play a major role). Stark is now part of the main crew.

Episodes 5-18: John is twinned, not cloned. There are now two Crichtons, each equal and original. One goes with part of the crew(including Aeryn) on Talyn. One stays on Moya with the rest of the crew. During these episoded, the show is split into Talynscape and Moyascape. Every other episode is for each ship. The Moya crew learn that Scorpius is still alive and is getting close to mastering Wormhole technology. The Talyn crew learn that the Scarrans want the technology. TalynJohn meets the Ancients again, who open up his mind to the wormhole technology. He uses it, defeats a Scarran fleet, frees himself of the Scorpy clone remnant, but receives a large dose of radiation and dies. Aeryn is devastated since she was deeply in love with this John.

The crews reunite and Aeryn is very distant from John. Chiana is experiencing psychic abilities. Jool is warming up to D’argo. Stark has left both crews in order to search for Zhaan’s spirit, who he believes will tell him something important. John decides to go and defeat Scorpius at all costs, even if it means death. Only Aeryn and Crais join him. Both Moya and Talyn will not go, since both believe it is too risky…

And that is where we are. As a side note, evey character has “died” or been pronounced dead once during this season. It’s something the writers thought would be fun to try. If you want a brief account of their “deaths” I can type it later. Hope this helps.

Oh, the novel is called House of Cards. You can find it on Amazon or anywhere(my library has it even). It’s quite good, like a solid episode. It takes place near the end of season 2, before the bank heist. It’s a quick read, 200 fast pages.

Essentialy, the crew visits a Vegas like planet and Rygel gambles away Moya. I recommend it.

There’s another book out now, incidentally, titled Dark Side of the Sun. Different author (the first was by Keith R. A. DeCandido, this new one is by Andrew Dymond). I haven’t read either, so I can’t comment.

The general concenus was that “Dark Side” sucked. The author wasn’t in touch well enough with the charachters. It also occurs very early. There is another novel coming out soon. I forget it’s name, but it’s supposed to be quite good.

Excellent book! Reads just like an episode. I loved the image of John belting out Viva Las Vegas and driving Pilot nuts. :slight_smile:

I loooove Farscape. As you all have already noted, the characters are great, the writing is great, the production values are great. One of the aspects I enjoy the most is the fact that they are not afraid mix genre, leading to a much more multidimentional show that we usually get … adventure, erotica, humor, horror, sentimentality … they all have their place in Farscape. The production has some terrific names behind the project – people like Rockne O’Bannon, Brian Henson, Robert Halmi. My only disappointments so far were (1) having one of the first beings Creighton runs into be a species which looks exactly like homo sapiens and (2) the decision to kill off Zhann.

There was a scene a week or two ago, in which a character who encountered the Farscape crew told them that they had established a reputation as a kick-ass group of renegades. I would be interested to see where that reputation might lead and wonder if the producers intend to explore it in the future.

Admittedly the mechanics of the twinning of Crichton leaves a lot to be explained, but as a plot device this was brilliant. In every show in which there is sexual tension between the male and female leads, the show jumps the shark when they finally “do it” (Moonlighting, anyone?). But the writers of FarScape managed to have their sex and repress it too. <SPOILER> …

   Once Crichton and Aeryn hooked up on Talyn, it was a foregone conclusion that this Crichton was a deadman walking. Now the interpersonal tension between the other Crichton and Aeryn is even, well, tenser.


I basically started watching a several weeks ago, but it didn’t take me long to figure that out! :smiley: One of my friends clued me in about the two Crichtons, after I asked him “How come one week he’s with the dark-haired girl and the guy with the ponytail, and the next week he’s with the grey girl and the big guy with the things hanging off of his head…?” As soon as I was told about the “twinning”, I KNEW that the Crichton on Talyn was toast. Had to be!

Thanks for the link and the brief episodic run-down, Mahaloth! I was wondering who Talyn was! This helps a lot! Of course, I’m still going to be watching everything bass-ackwards - watching and taping the Season 1 & 2 episodes on Mon-Thurs., and seeing Season 3 on Friday. But I’ll cope.

I also have a sister who doesn’t get the Sci Fi Channel, and she is a bit intrigued by what little I’ve told her about “Farscape”. (She always enjoys following science fiction series, watching all of the “Star Trek” series faithfully.) I am glad I am getting the pilot episode on tape soon, I’ll loan it to her as soon as I’ve seen it. And I’ll loan her my other tapes too!

I’m totally addicted to Farscape and will be as long as Aeryn Sun remains a part of the show. :slight_smile:

Waitwaitwait…Farscape is on EVERY NIGHT now? Why the hell wasn’t I informed of this earlier?

Like I didn’t spend enough of my life watching TV before…

The characters are what makes this show. When I first saw it come out, I was skeptical about the rubber alien shtick and muppet(D’Argo and Rigel)and thought it another bad sci-fi show. Being the masochistic type I watched the show anyways. I slowly got more and more attached to the characters. As I watched, I realized how good this show is.

Crichton has an crazy edge to him that is really annoying and thus endearing. In so many of the sci-fi shows, the main guy is cool, brooding, and eventually boring. The relationships are full and complex not simply I do/don’t like this person. The best part is that this includes everybody. Even the lesser characters have an impact on the main characters and vice versa.

[hijack] Sorry, Mahaloth but the only character I couldn’t develop a liking to was Stark. This even includes Jool who is slowly developing as a somewhat fun character. Sort of like a prissy older sister looking down on those around her. Stark is the only character that nobody could relate to emotionaly except for Zaahn who is gone. He sort of became a tenth wheel or a buddy for Rigel which is way down the totem pole. I don’t know if the writers didn’t know how to write him or they lost interest with him. The one episode where he gets their focus (he gains control of Talyn while trying to avoid flying into the sun) sort of fell flat. (At least with Stark and the ghost lady, the John/Aeryn flirting but holding the flood back was great stuff) [/hijack]

Deja vu! That is exactly how I felt at first! I resisted watching this show, because I am not a huge fan of puppets (not that I hate them, but I don’t necessarily consider them an asset.) But gradually, I caught an episode here, an episode there, and realized that it was the characters that were drawing me in.

This is SO it! I was having trouble articulating it before, and you’ve described it perfectly. Crichton is a smart guy, and a capable guy, but he just doesn’t have that tiresome “I’m so perfect and cool” aura that many TV heroes have. They usually end up either looking vain, or just dull. I earlier called Crichton a “frat-boy”, which may not be how everyone sees him, but that’s sort of how I see him. The thing is, I’m not exactly saying that as a compliment. But yet, unlike some hypothetical (unflattering) frat-boy types I can imagine, it works for him. He’s many things - flawed and irritating, but decent and caring. He’s not so perfect or so smart that we can’t identify with him, but yet quite capable. Regularly rising to bravery and even wisdom (and common sense). More like a real person. And he’s funny, too, which is a huge selling point. Some of the aforementioned “cool” heroes are created with a somewhat impaired sense of humor. Not him - he overflows with it. And - the most delightful thing - his “peers” (the other main characters) do not always treat him with a great deal of respect. They roll their eyes at him, and treat him like the oddball that he sometimes is. How refreshing.

That’s exactly it! I can’t say I dislike anyone intensely. I even like Rigel - he’s such a hoot!

I haven’t seen much of Stark, but I couldn’t get a grip on him too much either. Was he a goofus, or a hero, or what? Maybe he wasn’t on the show long enough to develop. It isn’t like I hate him, though.

I have to say, I liked Aeryn even before I began to warm up to Crichton. She (at least in my opinion) seems to be the kind of character that appeals to both males and female fans (for different reasons, probably). She strikes me as a great female role model - strong and dedicated, and not at all vain or self-involved. As my mom would say, not “aware of her beauty”. Just a real person. And she is beautiful, but in an unusual way that makes her far more interesting than the “plastic” beauties that so often frequent TV screens. I just think she’s great.

I’m awaiting for my order of the of the series pilot on VHS. I’m really looking forward to seeing how it all started.

And yes, DynoSaur, they are in the middle of the first season on Sci Fi, 8 pm EST, Mon-Thurs. It’s great!

Let me explain how Stark entered the show and why this endears him to some people.

In the episode Nerve, he was a guest role, playing a somewhat insane prisoner of Scorpius(who believes he may be hiding something in his mind). Crichton is his fellow prisoner and they form a really neat relationship. They comfort one another and eventualy are able to escape together.

The thing to remember about Stark is this. He is not insane, but rather has a different(or “alien”) way of operating that is totally normal for his species. He has seen thousands of deaths, helped many across the great divide, and is now the spiritual side of the show.

Give him a chance. He rocks. My side, your side, my side, your side.

And, he’s in the Matrix.