Fasting - your help needed.

So irishfella and I are getting married in September. He’s going to Vancouver for a couple of weeks in July to visit his best men.

I’ve been thinking that while he’s away I’d like to spend a day or two really thinking and praying about what this marriage will mean. On reflection I thought that this might be more effective if I fasted during that time too.

So, anyone fast or detox regularly? What helps and what doesn’t? Do you have a few days lead-in and out? Do you do anything special, or do you just have a day off from food?

(I understand if some of you don’t “get” this idea, or think it’s a stupid idea to fast. That’s fine, however I’d prefer it if you didn’t share those opinions in this thread.)

I’ve done the sun up to sun down fast on Holy Days (Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, etc.) I think it helps with spiritual reflection and growth.

An alternative to fasting might be to give up something similar to what you’d give up for Lent. There wouldn’t be any health risks involved.

Back in 2005, when my IVF failed and I lost my two babies, I was in the depths of despair. I was talking with my bishop at church, who recommended a fast to me. His assignment was that I abstain from food and drink for a 24-hour period, and during that time to be prayerful and looking around for the blessings. He said that at the end of the fast, to pray and thank God for all of the blessings in my life and not to ask for anything. It was an amazing experience.

I find that as I fast, which, as I said above, does mean abstaining from food and drink for 24 hours, I become more aware of myself and the things that I’m concerned about. I find answers to questions, guidance for my concerns, directions I need to take.

I’d recommend planning something very simple to eat when you do break your fast. You don’t want to rush into a very heavy meal. One of my favorites (although my husband hates it) is hot buttered cornbread broken into a bowl, and cold milk poured on top. It’s simple and very tasty, and doesn’t overwhelm my digestive system.

You’ve got a great idea, and I commend you for it!! :slight_smile:

I’ll second what the others have said. Fasting can be a powerful spiritual aid if done with proper intent. Going without food for a day or so will not harm you unless you have some underlying medical condition that requires you to eat on a regular schedule.

In my experience, it works best to have a simple meal just before beginning the fast, and then to begin and end the fast with sincere prayer asking for the Lord’s help and guidance with whatever special issues you’re concerned about. Meditation and prayer while fasting can help you see things a lot more clearly, but on the other hand, fasting without prayer is just going hungry.

I know there are those who will read this and dismiss it as a lot of “religious hooey.” That’s fine, and I respect your beliefs (or lack thereof), but don’t bring it in here. This thread is a sincere request for help, and if you want to trash that, take it to the pit or somewhere else.

Your idea is an excellent one. At times of major transition fasts provide a kind of punctuation to life.

I’ll abstain from all food and drink except for water when fasting. I will generally take things somewhat easy, not getting myself committed to doing anything strenuous or stressful, though I might take long hikes or drive someplace that’s a change for me.

At about 3 or 4 days of this I really feel very different, and start to lose strength and clarity, though sometimes gaining insights or peace in the process. I haven’t pushed this beyond 4 days, though reading about it suggests it’s pretty safe even for a week or two (for most of us).

Have a really good time. Gee, maybe I ought to do one of those again now…

Thank you for all of your responses.
I started out feeling that this was one of my crazier notions, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like this is something I need to do.

So, thanks for understanding and offering some help.

I’ll second Napier in saying “except water” during your fasting period.

IANAMD but I have known many people who fast regularly and they would never forgo water for longer than a 24 hour period and even then only if it is cool and they take it easy during that single day.

When fasting longer than 24 hours, they would drink water and sometimes sip diluted fruit juice (apple or grape juice mixed half and half with water). It provides a minimal amount of fructose and keeps the body from going into ‘starvation mode’ if sipped just a little over the course of the day.

Good luck and be safe!

I do this once a year for 4 days to mark a holiday–sort of a new year thing. Just water, no work, no TV, no reading, no food. The caffeine withdrawal headaches are the worst of it and they are over within a day or so. The hunger pangs/stomach rumbling is over by the third day. I’m not a Jehovanist, but I do a considerable amount of reflection and reconstruction of my moral code & assessment of what I value (prayer to myself?). By the close of the 4th day I feel good. And I’ve typically dropped 5-10 pounds which helps :smiley: