Fat Boy Slim - Weapon of Choice - music video

I LOVE this video! I can’t get enough of it! I finally caught it on on tape. Does anyone else here love this video? It’s one of the darned coolest vid’s I’ve seen in a long time.

The very first time I saw it, I was quite thrown off by seeing Christopher Walken boogie-ing away. I am so used to seeing him in oddball and/or villianous film roles, I was like “huh?!?!” and my jaw was dropping to the floor. In light of the preceding statement, when one sees the video for the very first time, it’s almost mildly disturbing. :eek:

Still, I think it’s pretty darn cool! I feel like I wanna dance now! :smiley:

Christopher Walken is actually an amazing dancer. . . check out Pennies from Heaven, The Deer Hunter, Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead, and that one movie where he kills his son, and then rapes his other son’s girlfriend–there’s a damn fine dance scene in that.

Yeah, I’ve gotta say that this is probably one of my favourite videos. Definitely the best one I’ve seen in a long time.

The only thing that could make the video better would be if Christopher Walken spoke at the beginning and/or end of the video. Walken’s got a great voice.

Yeah it’s a cool video… don’t know what my little brothet thought of it, though, cause when he saw it he was like, “what is this??”

I also find myself strangely fascinated by that video. I just can’t look away once it starts. My roommate feels the same way. It’s just … mesmerizing. Glad to see I’m not the only one.

I never see that video anymore. I’ve only seen it a few times. I honestly watch MTV2 and MTV and VH1 and everything all day. I tried to DL it, but it was only a 30 second clip and the resolution was horrible.

I know what you mean. That video just sucks me in.

I checked out the MuchMusic website to see if they had the full video. Unfortunately, they only had the clip, too, but…I watched it three or four times (it really is mesmerizing; even in short-form).
I was thinking to myself that it seemed like something Spike Jonze would do. Then I looked it up…and it is directed by Spike Jonze! Even cooler (can’t wait for Jonze to make another film).

Launch.com let me look at the full version. Tiny screen of course, but it gave me a much better idea of the song and video.


If that doesn’t work, just head for the home page, look for the videos tab and look up Fatboy Slim.

But very nicely done! I don’t know about the song yet, the laptop speakers won’t do it justice, but Walkens got the moves for a man who hasn’t danced for awhile. (I seem to remember him in Pennies From Heaven years ago).

Hmmm, forget about that link; it won’t work. Just start at


You can watch the whole video here


Wow, that is an amazing video, Christopher Walken could do a remake of a freaking Fred Astaire movie. It would be interesting to know how much of the dancing was improvised and how much was scripted.

Keith sits down and watches it again.

After seeing the Lulu scene in Pennies from Heaven, both Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly sent their highest praises to Chris Walken.

Not knowing Mr. Walken’s dancing prowress, I saw the video recently on MTV. After the video finished, I thought “Is that really Christopher Walken?!?!”

Great video.

Had caught glimpses of it on TV, but never saw the whole thing until they played it at Pleasure Island in Disney World. When I came home I found the movie and song online.


It ranks as one of my favorite videos of all time. Now I need to get the album, 'cause the music rocks, too.


I LOVE that video! The first time I saw it I laughed so hard I just about wet myself!
Funky music, too.
