fav comic book quote

mine is form Whatchmen by Alan Moore

Rorschach: Existence is random. Has no patter save what we imagice after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphiysical forces. It is not god who kills the childerne . Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us.

I like Sandman’s speech to the serial killers at the end of that storyline. Essentially, he says:

“Until now, you have starred in little fantasies where you are the tortured heroes working against the evil of mankind. No more. I take that away from you. From this moment on you will know exactly what your place is, and how little it is.”

I also like, from the otherwise mediocre Kingdom Come, Superman saying, “In this world there is right and there is wrong, and it is not difficult to distinguish between the two.”

I like the big splash panel in David Boswell’s Heartbreak Comics (1988), entitled “At the Masquerade.”
Craig: KEN! LASZLO! Glad you could make it!

Ken: Knock off that “hello” stuff, Craig. Just tell us where the bar is.
I also like the panel later in the comic, where Constance and Laszlo are sitting on the sofa:
Constance: I understand your father was a commando during World War Two.

Laszlo: No, that’s not quite true. He only sold vegetables to the resistance fighters.

Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot…

I also like a bit from Alex Robinson’s Box Office Poison. One of the main characters, a comic book geek, has been chatting up a girl at a party all night. Finally she kisses him, and we get to hear what’s going through his mind. He can’t believe his good fortune and what’s happening, and among the many thought balloons surround him is one that says, “Not a dream! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story!”

“I am the MAXX!!..answer your phone.”

The ninjas from The Tick: “We are a hedge.”

This one goes back I’m guessing almost 25 years.
Batman is working on a case with the assistance of Aquaman.
Batman is ticked off that the bad guy got away and he yells at Aquaman “God Damn it!”:eek:
Anyway, it seemed pretty risque at the tim.:rolleyes:

Marvel runs (or at least used to run) their “quote of the month”, stuck on the announcements page present in most issues. I can only remember two, though I have no idea what the context was for either:

“Nothing personal, Gail, but I’m going to have to kick your butt.”

“I don’t care how strong he is. Six tons of wheat should hold him for a while.”

From “The Dark Knight Returns” by Frank Miller:

Panel 1 caption, an anonymous part of a dark, abandoned building. A criminal creeps around nervously, looking for Batman. Batman, in caption: “There are seven working defenses from this position.”

Panel 2 caption, Batman hiding in shadows. Batman, in caption: “Three of them disarm with minimum contact. Three of them kill. The other one…”

Panel 3 caption: Batman karate-kicking criminal in pelvis. Batman, in caption: “…hurts.”


My favorite is what Spawn wrote on child rapist/murderer Billy Kincaid’s shirt after he strung his body up with chains, and rammed popsicle sticks and an ice cream scooper into his dead body:

“He made little boys scream
And he made little girls scream
So I made him scream…
…and scream…
…and scream…
[sub]…and scream…[/sub]”

Also from Watchmen:

Rorscarch, arrested and placed in the general population with hundreds of criminals who have all kinds of reason to hate him. One guy threatens Rorscarch in the lunch line, who responds by throwing hot (like deep frier hot) grease on him. As the guards drag Rorscarch away he yells:

“You don’t understand, I’m not locked up in here with you; you’re locked up in here with me!”

Also from Watchmen:

Rorscarch, arrested and placed in the general population with hundreds of criminals who have all kinds of reason to hate him. One guy threatens Rorscarch in the lunch line, who responds by throwing hot (like deep frier hot) grease on him. As the guards drag Rorscarch away he yells:

“You don’t understand, I’m not locked up in here with you; you’re locked up in here with me!”

A good number of mine come from Jeseph Michael Linsner’s works:

“For I have died a thousand tiny deaths, and everytime I died, I thought of you.” A nice little romantic line passed forth between Dawn and her lover, Cernunnos (Death).

In Lucifer’s Halo, Darrian’s walking to go summon God and Lucifer, and on the way he passes by a homeless man while carrying Lucifer’s Halo. The man asks him what he’s holding, and her replies “God’s cockring.” During their little meeting, Darian shatters the Halo. On the way back, he bumps into said homeless guy:
“Hey, what happened to God’s cockring?”

“It broke, didn’t you know? That’s why we’re all here.”

And from Eleven or One, the artist finally puts together an art show, many of the pieces having a spiritual theme to them. One of his friends asks: “Have you ever seen the face of God?”
-Oh yeah, plenty of times.
“Really? What’s it look like?”
-Oh, it’s beautiful. It looks just like a smiley face, only it’s got three eyes."

A current one I love is from one of the first issues of Ultimate X-Men where Sabertooth and Wolverine are having a fight. As Sabertooth holds Wolverine’s head underwater in a stream, he’s cut off in the middle of his speach by the sound of Wolvie’s claws coming out. The next panel shows him screaming bloody murder as Wolverine says:
“At least I’ve got enough common sense to cover the family jewels in a fight.”
Talk about down and dirty.

Then there’s the one from an ARCHIE comic, where Archie is “helping” his dad, Fred Andrews, do some yard work.

Fred says to Archie: “I don’t know what I’d ever do without your help…but I’d like to give it a try”:stuck_out_tongue:

My wife turned to me during the Spider-Man movie and whispered “Is THAT from a comic book?” and when I nodded, she admitted she was impressed.

It was the Stan Lee classic:

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

It’s clobberin’ time!

The line I love is from Watchmen as well. It makes you flip back to the beginning of the issue right then and re-read it in a new light.

Adrian Veight confronted by Night Owl and Rorschart in his Antarctic fortress explains to them at some length his plan to effectively kill the population of New York in order to pull the world back from the brink. It’s a scene we’ve been through a zillion times, the heroes effectively at the villain’s mercy get to have the entire complex plot explained to them. So with the details spelled out he’s asked when he’s going to do this and gives the classic response:

“I’m not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I’d explain my master stroke to you if you had the slightest chance of stopping it? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.”

“…did it thirty-five minutes ago.”

and who stod uncle Ben are the two greatest plot twist I would have laved to be in the room when Stan Lee had that stroke of charicter defining genuise

who stot uncle Ben