Favorite Coen brothers movie

I’m left wondering how it’s doable, since according to IMDb,

Had to go with Lebowski.

I think on the funny side, Raising Arizona is too classic. “Smalls, Leonard Smalls. I’m a tracker…” Ha! The Cohens have written the best side characters of all time like him.

DON’T bother with Burn After Reading. The only Cohens film I have to give a thumbs down to.

The Big Lebowski is the worst of the Coen brothers films that I’ve seen (which is most of them). Now, it’s not the worst film ever made by a long shot. I mean, if a film is the worst Coen brothers film, then it’s still almost, half-way, sort of, ok. I just never understood why so many people like it so much. It was just… blah.

My theory is that, much like another bad film, The Matrix, somewhere along the line it became hip among the “leaders” to like The BL (especially here at the SDMB) and humans, being the natural followers and wanna belong-ers that they are just fell into line with one proverbial “+1” after another. Lame. I suppose it could be that that many people actually thought it was a good film. Somehow, that is even lamer.

Just wanted to add (after all you all get done hatin’ on me) that it was hard for me to choose. I think Raising Arizona might be my “favorite” but that is partially for sentimental reasons. The film is great, but it had some of the same “let’s be wacky and incoherent because we can!” problems that the *The Big Lebowski *suffers from. A lot *less *of those problems, but it still was not their best film.

Their best film would be Blood Simple. Pretty much a perfect film in every respect.

Your opinion is not univerally held. My wife and I love Burn After Reading.

I long ago learned not to advise Coen brothers movie fans about which of the movies they should or shouldn’t like.

But he brought his bitch to the Waffle Hut!

The most likely answer, of course, is that it is a good film that you just don’t happen to care for.

Extrapolating one’s own tastes to a universal standard is lamest.

Hmmm… I never even considered that! You’re the doctor so I guess I should trust your diagnosis. But–and I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate here–isn’t it also possible; isn’t it possibly even “the most likely answer” that it was a not a very good film that I just don’t happen to care for? I mean, it’s just opinion and all, and some folks do feel fulfilled by echoing whatever is currently the hip thing to do, feel, believe, etc.

But, OTOH… “DUDE!!!”

“The DUDE!!!”

“Don’t question the power of TEH DUUUUDE!!!”


and so on, etc., etc.

Fuck that bullshit. That lemming-like thinking brings you death-panels and Vanilla Ice. You want to be a part of that crowd?

It’s fun and it’s easy, and we see it all the time. Even here, where Ignorance Is Fought. But awww shucks… maybe that’s just my opinion.
My friend told me so, so that lame-ass movie by two brilliant filmmakers MUST be good! But take heart. No matter what, I lose, and you win. Because that’s the way the mindless momentum of the herd works.

No, you are wrong. I saw both of those films right after they came out and loved them instantly. (and they are both great films)

On the other hand, No Country for Old Men was a steaming pile of shit, and I don’t know why anyone would vote for that.

Well, I vote Hudsucker Proxy by default…it’s the only Coen Brothers movie I’ve seen all the way through.

I could not get into the Big Lebowski. Haven’t seen any of the others.

On the other hand, Hudsucker is a brilliant movie, not just a brilliant CB movie.

I have to note - while I did not care for Lebowski, I want to avoid being lumped with I Love Me…hey, people can disagree.

You should stick with that. The rest of it sounds pretty angsty.

It takes about four hours, and you have to use little sips of beer. I mean LITTLE.

I’d vote ‘no,’ but I congratulate you on your use of extra caps to strengthen your argument.

I voted for Fargo, though O Brother Where Art Thou was a very close second. While I liked nearly all their movies, the above two (and Blood Simple) are for some reason the only ones I’ve ever really wanted to see again in their entirety.

I believe you have confused this movie with Barton Fink, which is the only Coen brothers film I’ve ever been tempted to walk out on, and was overall an excruciating experience.

Well, strike that. It appears to be just NYC and LA this weekend, and won’t be in Philly for another two weeks.

And regarding the snark about Lebowski, the obvious rejoinder is the Dude’s own words: “That’s just like your opinion, man.”

Oh no, I was forced to watch No Country For Old Men as part of an English course, and I was gobsmacked that such a terrible film was able to win Best Picture. (though not really, I’ve never put much stock into the Academy’s picks)

First: the person I thought was the protagonist dies halfway through the movie. If the Tommy Lee Jones sheriff character was supposed to be the actual protagonist, he was the worst hero ever. He was all mopey and emo and wanted to kill himself, never took part in the action directly at all, and at the end of the film the bad guy wins and his attitude is basically “well, that’s life for you, it sucks”. And then it’s over. What is that shit?

O Brother was just … delightful!

Big Rock Candy Mountain…

your folding money’s come unstowed

y’all gonna want them chains knocked off, I expect

Now, I’m just not convinced that’s Pete.

It all works together, and my daughter will put it on to play over and over and over for background if she gets the chance.

How can there be any debate on this? Four words; wood chipper, Steve Buscemi.

Ok, I had a hard time picking but seriously one of the most memorable scenes in any movie was him putting his partner through the wood chipper. I’d put O Brother as a close second though it is a fantastic movie and Lebowski is near the top as well…

Quite right. On all three counts. Man, was I having a bad day/week!

People can, and do disagree, and my feelings about BL, and everyone else’s are just opinions. Nothing more, nor less. I’m was just getting waaaaay carried away with my disappointment in two heroes of mine–the Coens, for that movie. I had just hoped for so much more. But it all absolutely just opinion.

My apologies to QtM and everyone else.

I went with my first reaction, which was Fargo.

After seeing how little love No Country for Old Men is getting, i sort of regretted not voting for it, but while i love it just as much as any other Coen Brothers film, to me it doesn’t really seem like a Coen Brothers film in the same way that Fargo does.

Not sure if that makes sense.

Anyway, O Brother was right up there, too. I really liked The Hudsucker Proxy, and think it’s an under-rated movie.

The only ones i didn’t really care for were Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers.

Still haven’t seen Burn After Reading.