Favorite Firefly episode (open spoilers)

Sorry if this has been done before – I know there are tons of Firefly threads in this forum so I didn’t even bother to search. Call me lazy, or preferably, conscientious of wasting bandwidth.

Well, with only 14 episodes available, the choice is not as easy as I initially expected.

I think one of the reasons behind Firefly’s long-lived cult popularity is the number of truly excellent episodes that were produced in just half a season. Out of 14, I can only think of two that I consider mediocre. Even the best TV shows alternate between classic episodes and lukewarm filler, but Firefly was on a major winning streak during those 14 episodes, and despite the meager screentime the series inhabited, the writers were suprisingly efficient at creating a vast, believable, and consistent universe, and fans have more than enough interesting plots and subplots, great characters, mysteries, humor, and witty dialog to discuss for years. Firefly only has 14 episodes, but it feels like I’ve watched a whole season (or even two seasons).

Back on topic: I’ve only seen the Firefly series once, even though I’ve owned the collection on DVD for over a year. Funny, there are plenty of shows I’ll watch over and over – I’ve seen every episode of Northern Exposure at least twice, and some earlier episodes of the Simpsons I’ve seen at least five times. But as much as I’d love to watch Firefly over and over again, I refuse. I think I’m afraid I might wear it out too soon. I’m sure I’ll watch the entire series again (likely during one long, indulgent weekend), but not just yet. Maybe I also want to forget it a little before I see it again, so some of the best scenes are surprises all over again.

Where was I? Oh yes, favorite episode. It’s an extremely close call, but I’d have to say “Out of Gas”, because I like the simplicity of the story (ship stranded in deep space with a broken part) juxstaposed with the complexity of the storytelling (en medias res structure, non-linear timeline, flashbacks within flashbacks). I also love the theme (which is repeated in the Serenity movie) that the ship is more than a hunk of junk – it’s another crewmember, a home, and a source of reverence for the captain and his crew. It’s their ticket to freedom, and it keeps them alive day by day.

It’s also the quintessential Firefly episode because it provides backstories for the most important crewmembers, relating the day they first set foot on Serenity, and their various reactions to the ship.

It’s also got one of the coolest exchanges of dialog in the serioius. I can’t recall it verbatim, but when the ship breaks down and Kaylee is trying to relate the problem to the captain, she uses absolutely no technobable. She states in very plain terms that the ship is broken, and there’s no way to fix it, and you can really sense the frustration and hopelessness in her voice. It’s a slap in the face to all those Star Trek episodes where any technical problem can be fixed by rerouting the exhaust from the antimatter condenser modules to the auxilary proton excelerator manifold, or whatever.

Sometimes things just break down, with no way to fix them.

So what’s your favorite episode of Fireflly?

I haven’t seen all of them, but so far my favorite episode has been Objects in Space.

Have you watched the commentary on it? it’s the best commentary I’ve ever seen.


No, just TiVo’d it. May someday get around to the discuses.

“War Stories”

Zoë: “Shepherd, isn’t the Bible kind of specific about killing?”
Book:" Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps."

Everything I love about Firefly is in this episode.

Gorram, can’t we just list our not-so-favorite episodes, 'cause that’d be WAY easier! (Mine would the “The Train Job” and the one with all the whores. But even those I’d rather watch over and over again in perpetuity than watch an hour of Survivor or The OC.)

Alright, I’ll have to go “Objects in Space” and “Out of Gas”, and then “Our Mrs. Reynolds”. The first two for reasons already mentioned, and the third for Saffroney goodness and the special place in hell.

I’m not a big “Firefly” fan, but I really liked the episode “Jaynestown.”

I’d have enjoyed this series much more if it’d had a lot more Adam Baldwin and a lot less Nathan Fillion.

Ariel. It’s the one that got me hooked. Also loved the guy from Oz as the bad agent - wished I’d seen more of him in that role.

Shindig. Lots of funny lines and a little peek into Whore-society. uh, I mean Companion.

Mercy is the mark of a great man. (pokes Atherton with the sword) Guess I’m just a good man. (stabs him again) Well, I’m all right."

I’m going with one of the unaired episodes–Trash. I love the double-triple-quadruple-crossing, and, if I recall correctly, contains the classic River line, “Besides, I can kill you with my brain.” I always loved the way she creeped Jayne out more than almost anything else in the 'verse.

Definitely Objects in Space.

I’ve got to go with Trash or Jaynestown. Shindig and Our Mrs Reynolds tied for the next in line.

Another vote for Objects in Space. It was just well done in every way that I can think of.

Not sure what I’d pick for second. Maybe it’s time to watch them again.

Out of Gas and War Stories, with a slight edge to War Stories.

Out of Gas was the first episode I ever saw, so it’s got a warm spot in my heart. Great way to learn about the series, too.

But Objects in Space is one of the finest pieces of television ever put to film. Much like The Princess Bride, Citizen Kane, and *The Empire Strikes Back, * subjectivity is set aside for something that is is so amazing that I can’t understand the mind of anyone who refuses to enjoy it.

(I may be exaggerating ever so slightly. Then again, maybe I’m not.)

I gotta go with ‘Serenity’, the pilot. I loved all the episodes, but that one was the best.

I loved how no-nonsense Mal was. Like when he shot the Alliance agent without a word, just because it was the logical and necessary move. He and Jayne are among my all-time favorite characters.

I vote for Out of Gas by a narrow margin over Objects in Space. I liked seeing how the core crew got to be on board, and especially the antipathy Zoe had on meeting Wash – I think it was the moustache.

Actually, she did reel off a bunch of techno-babble explaining the situation to Mal, to which he looked blank and asked for a repeat in ‘Captain-dummy talk.’ I loved it. The part you’re thinking of was later when she’s tried her best and showing how the busted part won’t even fit in its socket. There are at least two previous episodes where she’s fussing replacing the compression coil, the part the started the whole chain of events, another strength of the series – subtle foreshadowing.

I’m with you. Easier to list your least favorites. The whore episode was great the first time, but subsequent viewings require fast forward. Jaynestown is a little dull after the first time. The guy stuck in a box for years was too much. I liked “shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck!” Safe started out great and ended great, but most of the middle with Simon & River trapped in backward superstitious Plow-ville was boring.

Favorite? Oh, c’mon. Too hard! Almost all of them are my gorram favorites!

I think my favorite is “Shindig”, mostly for the way that Kaylee ends up fitting in at the party.
“Is that him?”
“No, that’s the buffet table.”
“Maybe… But how can we be sure, unless we question it?”
And later, talking shop with the guys about engines.

But close behind it are “Jaynestown” and “War Stories”. The latter has some of the best convention-bending on TV:
“Hold it. This is something the Captain needs to take care of for himself.”
“No, it isn’t!”

Objects in Space, really loved that one.

I also like the one, can’t remember the title, when they were held by the alliance and they had the series of interviews

agent: you fought with the captain in the war
zoe: I fought with a lot of people in the war
agent: what about your husband
zoe: I fight with him sometimes too

and Jayne is just sitting with his arms crossed, not answering any questions, with a look that says I may be dumber than a bag of hammers, but I’ll rip your throat out

loved it