Favorite Meaningless Songs

Inspired in part by this thread and in part by a kick ass rock block™ on the radio today…:
I wonder if anyone else has a favorite song with near non sense lyrics?
My Faves: “For those about to rock…” AC/DC (Hail, hail to the good times, 'cuz rock has got the right of way!)
“I am the Walrus” Some British Band I think (Elementary Penguin, Singing hari krishna, Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe.)
I’m sure classic rock doesn’t have the corner on the non sense market, but those were the songs on the radio.

Mairzy Doats

Loving You Has Made Me Bananas:

Your red scarf matches your eyes
You close your cover before striking
Daddy had the ship-fitter blues
Loving you has made me bananas.

I am unreasonably fond of Leon Redbone’s “Diddy Wah Diddy.”

The Muppets, “Mahna Mahna”… do doo, do do doo!

that would be the Beatles.

My fave is Neil Young, A Man Needs a Maid, a kick-ass song all around

hilight (please also note the nonsensical rhythm/rhyme) :

A while ago, I don’t know when
I was watching a movie with a friend
I fell in love with the actress,
she was playing a part that I could understand

[orchestra swells]

I’m going with Beck’s Loser

Get crazy with the Cheez Whiz!
Drive-by body pierce!
Sprecken sie deutsch baby?
Bring it on down!

Did they do any other songs I might have heard? Maybe on the radio or elsewhere?

Amnesia, by Chumbawamba.

“Do you suffer from long term memory loss?” “I don’t remember…”
repeat ad infinitum…but it’s one of the few modern songs to (un?)abashedly use the classic bassdrum beat.

The Smiths:
“Some girls are bigger than others”

Some girls are bigger than others,
Some girls are bigger than others,
Some girls’ mothers are bigger than other girls’ mothers


I’ve always enjoyed El Scorcho by Weezer:

Goddamn you half-Japanese girls
do it to me every time
oh, the redhead said you shred the cello
And I’m jello, baby
But you won’t talk, won’t look, won’t think of me
I’m the epitome of Public Enemy
Why you wanna go and do me like that?
Come down on the street and dance with me


Simon & Garfunkel’s “The 59th St Bridge Song (Feeling Groovy)”

My favorite Weezer song, off my favorite Weezer album! I always assumed it does have a meaning, that he was just a shy guy singing to a quirky girl he liked a lot.

But just so you know in case the mods do anything, it is frowned on around here to post entire song lyrics, due to copyright violations.

A Tones on Tail song that I’ve always loved, “Slender Fungus”


slender fungus was a disc of shiny concrete
slender fungus was a disc, a shiny ball of meat
slender fungus sucks the toes that linger round your feet
slender fungus eats in bed before he goes to sleep

I know a guy who knew a guy that knew that japanese girl! I love that song.

Mine is from the anime Dragon Half. Using a Beethoven piece as background music, I believe it’s called “My Omelette” and has lyrics (roughly translated) such as:

Not the egg!
It’s mine.
Have the squid -
it’s ugly.

Poetic? :confused:

stephen malkmus is the king of writing songs that sound pretty profound until you start to analyze the words. well, up until pavement’s third proper album. after that it just became outright goofy.

like this excerpt from “trigger cut”

lies and betrayals
fruit covered nails
electricity and lust
wont break the door
i’ve got a heavy coat
it’s filled with rocks and sand
and if i lose it
i’ll be coming back today (i’ve got a message for you)
i’ll be coming back today (i keep it in my hand)
you know i’m coming back one day (i’ve got a sister or two)
and i’ll be coming back today

ex magician
he still knows the tricks
tricks are everything to me
until it’s free
i’ve got a trigger cut
and i can’t pull it back
but if i learn how i’ll be coming back today

Jimmy Page and I say that “Stairway to Heaven” is the ultimate example of this.

~S&S (btw, I was so dissapointed when I heard that from the man himself. He just made the words up!)

I’m telling you Lou, we might just be long lost brothers…

Thanks for the warning about posting lyrics. My humble apologies to Weezer.


Where’s your mama gone?
(Where’s your mama gone?)
Little baby Don
(Little Baby Don)
Where’s your mama gone?
(Where’s your mama gone?)
Far, far away


Billy Bragg and Wilco: Hoodoo Voodoo

Hoodoo voodoo, seven twenty one two
Haystacka hostacka, a b c
High poker, low poker, ninety nine a zero
Sidewalk, streetcar, dance a goofy dance


You know, that sounds like a skipping song, or a hopscotch song. Those never make any sense.