Favorite Season

No matter where I’ve lived, I’ve loved autumn. If it’s a temperate climate, I love the crisp coolness and leaves falling, wearing jackets instead of coats, feeling comfy indoors without going outside being a complete burden and chore. If I live in a hot climate, like now, then it means opening doors and windows and not worrying about the AC bill, lol. And any kind of cool weather means making soup and being homey and comfy feels that much more…well, comfy and homey. :slight_smile:

Winter is the best: blue skies, snow covered landscapes, skiing.
Next is Fall-dry and warm days cool nights.

You know, summer is my favourite season, but I’d make it autumn year round here if I had to choose a season for all year. Interesting.

All you guys who like fall because summers are too hot - global warming isn’t going to be fun for you. :slight_smile:

I spent a couple of weeks in Gainesville back in March. The weather was picture perfect for almost all of it. To me, that was an early summer. But I’m sure if I spent the next few months there, I’d learn to hate summer pretty quickly.

Just make sure you have plenty of space in your house for all of the Dopers migrating north!

I live in MD.
Spring and fall tie for first.
Warm days and cool nights, perfect sleeping weather.
We can open the windows and let the old stale air out.
In the spring everything is green, new, and fresh.
In the fall the leaves change colors, it’s crisp and cool.

I’d like winter okay if I never had to drive or walk on ice.
Summer is okay as long as there is AC when I sleep.

I put fall but I am quickly becoming a huge fan of winter. Why? Because everything starts to die. I hate plants. I hate them so very, very much.

If you guys were smart, you’d be ingratiating yourself to all us Canadians. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah - winter would be a lot better if I never had to drive anywhere. Or if we had sidewalks and roads that de-iced automatically.

We let you live – how much more ingratiating can we be? :wink:

Autumn is my favorite! Warm, sunny days and cool nights. Ahhh…

I’m in western Colorado.

Another fall guy here. Well, not a fall-guy, but…well, you know. It wins out over spring because there aren’t any allergies associated with fall. I like the slanting light for photos, the colors, etc.

I’m with Chimera. I like all seasons because they all have something to offer. But I like a couple of mini-seasons best.

Right now, in September when the days are in the 70s and the nights are cool is one of them. The other is probably in late April to early May as everything is greening up around here (Twin Cities area). I also really love those 2-3 days of snowmelt when you can actually begin to smell the spring. Early November can be really nice too - possibly because I love to crunch leaves and am not tired of wearing sweaters yet.

Fall - the end of hot weather, but no snow to shovel yet. The days are getting shorter, and I like that. I can have the idea of Christmas in the near future without the stress of buying, decorating, wrapping and cooking. It’s cozy.

Second favorite is Spring. The rebirth of the plants after the snow and ice of winter. Easter. Getting rid of the down coat for a sweater.

I really dislike summer and winter, specifically July & August as well as January & February. The heat makes me sick so I have to stay inside most of the time, and as I get older my body doesn’t seem to do well with the cold, either.

This, only in New England. Also it means that dark beer is going to be easier to find.

I prefer everything the next season has to offer, because life would be depressing without something to look forward to, and it is just too long to wait for the two or three months you like the best.

Okay, I finally decided spring has a slight edge and voted accordingly.

You have four choices. (duh.)

I grew up in Michigan, and my favorite season was summer. Warmth! Sun, lakes, no school, summer was awesome. I hated fall- fall meant school starting and winter was coming. Fall was not cool.

Then I lived in Arizona. I hated summer. Sweltering heat! Sun! Paying for all-day daycare when my kids were young, sweating, oh how I hated summer. Fall became my favorite season. I’d think, “Finally, fall! Summer’s over! I barely survived!” Every year. Fall is awesome in the desert.

Now I live in North Carolina, in an area where tons of people come from all over the country to look at the leaves turn. There’s apples and shit. The temps are already much cooler and it’s downright chilly at night. I love it. I love fall. And Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. We’ll see how the winter goes- if it ends up being very harsh, then fall might stop being my favorite season. Spring is lovely here.

What’s your favorite season, and why?

Where I live now (Berkeley, California) there don’t appear to be seasons: the weather is cool and sunny year round. It is pretty awesome. So I’d have to pick summer, since I prefer the long bright days to the short dark days.

I used to live in Atlanta, Georgia and the summers were awfully hot and humid. I can’t remember if I preferred autumn or spring, but I’m guessing either would be fine. But summer was brutal. I also used to live in Sacramento and preferred autumn or spring for similar reasons, although summers weren’t as bad as Atlanta. As hot (perhaps hotter) than Atlanta, but much drier so it just felt like roasting rather than that awful humidity that sucks away all your energy.

Before that I lived in Cape Town, South Africa, and summers were definitely the best. Hot (but not insanely so) and sunny.

Barefoot, footloose and fancy-free! You’re kidding, right?

I have always lived where there are 4 seasons but summers get too hot and winters get too dark. I love Spring and Fall and during both I feel a surge of energy and wanting to start things.

I voted Fall but if you ask next later winter I will say Spring. :):):):):slight_smile: