Favorite SNL recurring character\skits

The Prince Show

That insane woman that would always yell “GET OUUUUUUUUUUUUT” at some point

Cawffee Tawk with Pawl Bawldwin (later replaced by Linda Richman)

[del]Landshark[/del] Candygram

If it’s not Scottish it’s CRAP!!

No love for “Laser Cats?” You guys are like Lorne Michaels!

I’ll just see myself out.

Wasn’t “Tales of Ribaldry” recurring? I thought that the one where Mel Gibson tore his shirt was awesome.

The ones where Tom Hanks and Jon Lovitz couldn’t get dates.

The Xerox/Copy machine guy.


Jack Handy.

That’s Pat!

The Ladies Man.

The NPR radio show, Delicious Dish
Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon with many guests, the best were Alec Baldwin and his Christmas Schweddy Balls, and Schweddy Ball Sack, and then he also did a Schweddy Weiner. And the other one was Betty White and her dusty Muffin.

I mean. Comedy gold here.

Also, the Dick in a Box Series with Andy Samburg and Justin Timberlake.

Father Guido
Al Franken the One Man Mobile Uplink news reporter

Dieter on Sprokets.

“Now, we shall dance!”

Will Ferrell as Harry Caray was hilarious.

Hans und Franz.

And I also came here to ask if anyone knows whether the the current State Farm commercials with Aaron Rodgers (“Row, row, row your boat–gently down the Loser Stream.”) are digitally reusing footage from the 80s or if Carvey and Nealon are really that ageless?

Now is time on Shprokets when we dance!


Through season 3 it’s Samurai, Coneheads, Nerds. I started collecting and watching them all on DVD, long way to go…

Also, Gilda Radner’s “Judy Miller Show” solo bits.

So so many of them! Probably miss so many too

Chris Farley - Motivational Speaker who lives in a van down by the river

Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford-actually anything Chevy Chase and you’re not!
Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood-Can you say …

Dana Carvey’s Church Lady

Jon Lovitz’s ‘The Liar’ “yeah that’s it”

The Velvet Jones Institute of Technology: So You Want To Be a Ho.

Gumby and Pokey. (“I’m Gumby Damnit”)

James Brown’s Celebrity Hot Tub (“Too HOT in the hot tub!”)

“Dark and lonely on the summer night.
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
Watchdog barking - Do he bite?
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
Slip in his window,
Break his neck!
Then his house
I start to wreck!
Got no reason –
What the heck!
Kill my landlord, kill my landlord.
C-I-L-L …
My land - lord …

Making Copies

Two Wild and Crazy Guys

Mr Robinson (“This is how you answer the door in my neighborhood, boys 'n girls. WHO IS IT!!”)

Wayne’s World! Wayne’s World! It’s party time, excellent, Wayne’s World! Wayne’s World! (DIE! DIE! Cant stand Wayne’s World-Cant say it enough DIE!)

The Continental which they did every time Christopher Walken was the guest host. “Would you like a glass of sham-pag-nee?”

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

Al Franken’s “I’m good enough etc and people like me!”

Mr Bill

If it’s not Scottish* it’s CRAP!!***


The NPR radio show, Delicious Dish
Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon with many guests, the best were Alec Baldwin and his Christmas Schweddy Balls, and Schweddy Ball Sack, and then he also did a Schweddy Weiner. And the other one was Betty White and her dusty Muffin.

(I came in to say)
Also, the Dick in a Box Series with Andy Samburg and Justin Timberlake.
(One of my favorites)

most anything with Alec Baldwin, also John Goodman, Steve Martin, the ones with how many times that particular host has been on it
SNL has not stood the test of time but it still has a good history. I wish I could stay awake for it. Bring it to 9pm and I’d be a faithful watcher

I hope the show goes on for as long as broad cast television exists

David S. Pumpkins!

I came here to say Walken’s ‘The Continental.’ That bit slayed me every time. Also loved Carvey’s Church Lady, and I’d forgotten ‘The Liar’ until you mentioned it!

Also, ‘Land Shark.’ “Candygram.” :smiley:

Dana Carvey’s Church Lady
Martin Short’s Ed Grimbly… always cracked me up!
Anything Gilda Radner did.

No one has yet mentioned Tom Hanks and “Mr. Short Term Memory”.

I don’t care what your mama says, Christmas time is ne-ar.

Stefon, Mango, Drunk Uncle, and honorable mention for the Cheerleaders.

What, no love for Buckwheat? :frowning:

Once . . . Tice . . .Fee times a mady