Favorite thing from 1972

Thresa A.

The cute red-haired girl that was my first crush.
She was hella cute in her blue-bird uniform.
We were in second grade.

Hey, thanks! Now I don’t feel bad about skipping over that one to say…

Thick as a Brick by Jethro Tull.

The car my eldest sister drove that year. Not sure if it was the Fiat 124 Spider on which she painted the Peanuts gang or the Opel GT.

In 1972, my favorite thing was this.
In my defense, I was only three years old.

Highlights magazine…oh Goofus, you scampy little dickweed you…

The Mongoose and The Snake.

Donny Osmond. Oh man, was I ever in love with him. I plastered my bedroom walls with posters of him.

I wasn’t born yet, but if there is one thing from 1972 that jumps out for me, it was Roberto Clemente getting his 3,000th hit in the last game of the season, which would turn out to be his last game ever. Ah, to go back to pre-strike baseball…

My older and mean sister promptly moved out of the house after she graduated HS.

The Schwinn Stingray that was a handmedown from my uncle - looked similar to this:
http://www.bmxnonstop.com/oldschool/images/deluxe.gif except it had a stickshift.

1972 Cutlass S

That’s my bike! Except mine was metallic lime green. It had a smooth back tire with only two thin grooves.

That may have been the best thing from 1972.

My wife, born April 1972.

I was 5 in 1972. And since I am Canadian, I’d have to say that September 26, 1972 is a date that will alway be remembered. Of course I am talking about “The Goal”.

ETA - the link goes to a you tube video.

I got contact lenses for the first time.

It changed my life!

I kept seeing the thread title and telling myself, “1972. 1972. That year is important for some reason. What is it?” I finally remember just before I saw this post.

Pippin opened on Broadway

Sammy Davis Jr’s famous appearence on All In The Family

MAS*H debuts on CBS

I started third class at St Aloysius College, the school which I attended for the next ten years, and enjoyed very much.