Poll: What has happened since high school.

I just got my 20 year reunion question form for the memory book in the mail and thought I would post some of the questions here for grins and giggles:



Hobbies & Interests:

Best Memory of High School:

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School:

Something Special To Brag About:

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Cultural Events:**




What I might send in:
Hobbies & Interests: Making people laugh during uncomfortable settings such as rectal exams, funerals, death bed and weddings. ( Funny, how they are all about the same in reality.)

Best Memory of High School: " Joan. Joan Fuckoff and Dei" in response to a teacher asking me what the F stood for for my middle initial. (pronounced Dye) And I didn’t get into trouble. Hah.

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School:
[li]2. Convincing him to marry a woman with limited domestic skills and superior sarcastic fire power.[/li][li]3. Have two healthy children.[/li][li]4. My tits growing a cup size ( and summarily, dropping like a lead weight.)[/li][li]5. Getting my dog to come when called.[/li][li]6. Ramen noodle soup.[/li][/ul]
Something Special To Brag about: I pack light and tie my shoes with the two bunny ears method.

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: Miller’s Crossing, Big Lebowski, The Usual Suspects, Fargo, O Brother Where art thou, Pride & Prejudice ( BBC version), Love Actually, Pirates of the Caribbean.

Literature: Any book worth reading will be made into either a craptacular film or outstanding example of the merging of literature and cinema, where I fall asleep during it anyways.

Television: It.Is.All.Garbage. ( Except Most Extreme Elimination. Those Japanese very wacky.)

Music: Britney Spears Rawks!

Sports: Lance Armstrong dominating the Tour De France six years in a row and the Lions tanking for twenty years. There is comfort in consistancy.

Cultural Events: Sorry, we live in Michigan. Where the only culture we have in in Yogurt. Thou Escanaba in da Moonlight runs a close second.

Occupation: Writer

Married? Yes

\Children/Ages? 1/1
Hobbies & Interests: writing, gaming, history

Best Memory of High School: plotting ‘leaving our mark’ on the school with the valedictorian.

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School: The internet.

Something Special To Brag about_: nothing in particular

In the past (fourteen years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: Willow
Literature: Scarlette
Television: The Daily Show
Music: Brubreck
Sports: Smarty Jones
Cultural Events: Protest concerts to get Bush out

Well, I’ve only been out of high school 6 years, but here’s mine.

Occupation: Paralegal/poet/lyricist

Married? Nope

\Children/Ages? Nope.

Hobbies & Interests: writing, theatre, gay choral movement

Best Memory of High School: poetry slams freshman year

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School: Singing at Carnegie Hall

Something Special To Brag about_: See above :slight_smile:

In the past (six years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: Life is Beautiful
Literature: The Tipping Point
Television: The Amazing Race
Music: Avenue Q and Wicked :slight_smile:
Sports: Gymnastics
Cultural Events: The 9/11 memorials in Union Square, NYC.

I’ve been out of school for 26 years (omigod!)

Occupation: Radio announcer & producer

Married? Yes

Children/Ages? None

Hobbies & Interests: Collecting records (still), restoring them on the computer, also transferring old video to DVD; new audio and broadcasting technology

Best Memory of High School: The day I walked out, never to return.

Best Thing To Happen To You Since High School: Meeting my wife and moving to Florida.

**In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies:** Went in one eye and out the other.
Literature: I read technical manuals and books on music.
Television: I haven’t seen more than a handful of prime time shows since 1975. I went without a TV for nearly 20 years.
Music: I haven’t heard a single song I liked enough to buy since 1987.
Sports: Sports is something other people do.
Cultural Events: Tearing down the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism in Russia must be near the top.

Occupation: Environmental Scientist

Married? Yep - 10 years

\Children/Ages? Hell, no.
Hobbies & Interests: Sleeping… and have you heard of the SDMB?

Best Memory of High School: Yearbook Staff - closing up the office airtight and working with all the lovely smelly chemicals. MMmmmmmm

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School: Did I mention DeHusband?

Something Special To Brag about_: I can retire with full bennies in 10 years.

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: Ring trilogy
Literature: The Lovely Bones
Television: The Amazing Race
Music: I’m loving Yo Yo Ma.
Sports: You’re kidding, right?
Cultural Events: The only culture in Montgomery is in a petri dish.

OCCUPATION: I’m a secretary for a living/writer because I can’t live without writing

MARRIED: Yes, since 1990.

CHILDREN/AGES: None, despite my best efforts. :smiley:

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: writing, movies, music, running

BEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL: Walking out of the door for the final time.

BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO YOU SINCE HIGH SCHOOL: Meeting and marrying my husband; completing my first novel; making a major difference in the lives of some families struggling with infertility.

SOMETHING SPECIAL TO BRAG ABOUT: 23 years after leaving high school, I am graduating from college, cum laude, on August 14th. I received a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship and an Outstanding Transfer Student scholarship that paid for my education. It’s been a long, hard slog, and I feel great that I did it!

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: I’m a total movie whore, so it’s hard to limit my choice. Would include the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Schindler’s List, The Last Emperor. My significantly younger self loved Reds, but I don’t know if I’d still love it now.

Literature: The His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman

Television: Alias, CSI (the first two seasons), Without a Trace, Buffy TVS

Music: Too much good music to single a few out. I love REM, Barenaked Ladies, Harry Connick Jr., Avril Lavigne, No Doubt . . .

Sports: ??

Cultural Events: The Berlin Wall immediately comes to mind, as does the dissolution of the USSR.

Occupation: Chief Information Officer

Married? Widowed young, remarried

Children/Ages? two - 8 and 3

Hobbies & Interests: Genealogy, Travel

Best Memory of High School: not having died or killed anyone else while bootlegging in Kentucky

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School: kids

Something Special To Brag about_: The Editor in Chief of the Canberra Times is a newly-found cousin of mine

In the past (twenty-eight years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: LOTR, Allegro non Troppo
Literature: English Passengers by Matthew Kneale
Television: none
Music: Discipline by King Crimson
Sports: Watching the Broncos finally win two super bowls
Cultural Events: the last Zappa tour

Graduated high school in 1998

Occupation: Pharmaceutical research chemist

Married? No, but living in a common-law situation. Waiting on the ring :stuck_out_tongue:

Children/Ages? Does the cat count?

Hobbies & Interests: Listening to music, reading, Internet and email, talking on the phone with friends, horseback riding, hanging out (actually, these haven’t really changed since high school!)

Best Memory of High School: Hallway bunny hop and hanging out in Orange Corner

Best Thing To Happen To You Since High School: Falling in love with the best man on earth

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: The Lion King
Literature: Le Petit Prince - though thats older, I only first read it 10 years ago!)
Television: Scrubs, CSI, The Littlest Hobo!
Music: Too many to list. Right now I’m on a rock’n’roll kick - Kiss, AC/DC, Stones, that stuff.
Sports: Don’t really have an opinion on this!
Cultural Events: I can’t rate world events, but personally, the three years I spent in Germany are probably the most important “event”.

Sorry, I can’t help it: a youngster’s take (three months out of high school):
Occupation:** Still a student, but a different kind.

Married? Not quite yet.

Children/Ages? Nope.

Hobbies & Interests: Literature, music (listening, not playing or composing), inline hockey, Internet, ice cream of all kinds.

Best Memory of High School: A mission trip last Christmas to Saltillo, Mexico, with some of my best friends from school.

Best Thing To Happen To You Since High School: Not much has happened, really. I’ll get back to you on that one.
**In the past (three months) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies:** Spider-Man 2

Literature: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (well, I read it less than three months ago!)

Television: Iron Chef, Good Eats

Music: I don’t really know what has come out recently.

Sports: How about…Ken Jennings and his over-a-million-and-still-going-strong Jeopardy! streak? Brain exercise, at least.

Cultural Events: Given the vast number of social revolutions that have taken place in the past quarter-year, I’m going to have to say…I don’t know.

Occupation: student/extra/work in a nursery

Married? no

Children/Ages? no

Hobbies & Interests: movies, weight training, biking, golfing, various other sports, reading.

Best Memory of High School: leaving it. I’m not trying to be funny or clever, it was not a happy time.

Best Thing To Happen To You Since High School: Figuring out what I want to do with my life (albeit a little later than most)

Something Special To Brag about: Sorry, I’ve got nothing.

In the past (eight years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: High Fidelity, Igby Goes Down, Love Actually, LOTR Trilogy
Literature: Hey Nostradamus!
Television: Scrubs, Joan of Acrada, Seinfeld
Music: Chantal Kreviazuk
Sports: The Great One retiring
Cultural Events: The Dalai Lama coming to Toronto

Occupation: Disabled/Retired

Married? Three fooking times!

Children/Ages? Girl, 34; boy 11

Hobbies & Interests: harley-davidson, canoeing, diving, Cuervo shot-glasses

Best Memory of High School: Leaving.

Best Thing To Happen To You Since High School: Buying my home.

Something Special To Brag About: Psychic powers kept me alive!

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: Blade Runner
Literature: Shakespeare, all.
Television: What’s that?
Music: Andreas Vollenweider
Sports: Fencing, martial arts
Cultural Events: Rolling Thunder

Now, are you going to concatenate this???

Not a goddamned thing.

Graduated 1985.

Occupation: Technical writer for a biomedical research network

Married? Yes

Children/Ages? None

Hobbies & Interests: Movies, jazz, Nabokov, shapenote singing

Best Memory of High School: Various music-geek memories: great marching band shows, band trip to Disney/Epcot (hi Lois!), a few good dances, learning to play jazz. Also hanging out with my buddy Rich. Yes, I realize I’ve referenced both “Hi & Lois” and “Buddy Rich.” Didn’t really mean to, though.

Best Thing To Happen To You Since High School: (1) Meeting shE. Thorp; (2) My year in Paris

Something Special To Brag about: I still get along with my parents

In the past (nineteen years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories: Maybe not the best, but my favorites:

Movies: Metropolitan (1990)
Literature: The Beginning of Spring (1988)
Television: Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94)
Music: The Steve Lacy Trio’s performances at Jazz Alley (1997 and 1998)
Sports: The Reds sweep the A’s (1990)
Cultural Events: Bush defeated (1992). Hoping for a rerun on this one.

I am amazed at what is being listed as cultural events, so I found the following list of types and categories of cultural events.

Event Types
Digital Arts
Film/Media Arts
Folk/Traditional Arts
Musical Theatre
Performance Art
Sports and Recreation
Visual Arts

Event Category
Education Programs/Arts Education Programs
Fund Raisers

Tearing down the Berlin Wall was historical, but I doubt if any of the posters were present. The result of an election is not a cultural event and a rally to get rid of Bush is a real stretch (although it probably made the poster feel good to list it.) Even my answer: The Eagles “When Hell Freezes Over” concert (which I attended) makes me cringe as would my second choice: Fireworks at Niagra Falls on New Years Eve 2000 (at which I was also in attendance.) I mean hasn’t anyone here got any class? :confused:

Also what is this 19 year time limit all about? If I can list something I watched on TV then I would list Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon or watching (on live TV) Jack Ruby being shot. I also stood on a sidewalk in Washington, DC as JFK’s casket passed by followed by the riderless horse. Those all happened since I graduated from high school. Oh, and I also watched the Ed Sullivan show when the Beatles made their American debut.

Regarding kniz’ recategorization of cultural events, please strike from the record that I thought the tearing down of the Berlin Wall was the most important of what I mistakenly categorized as a cultural event, of the last 20 years. Pardon me for not having any class.

Does the time I smoked a joint with Rick Derringer count?

I was going to answer this but I realized I didn’t have answers or opinions for about half of it, so I just got depressed instead. Might explain why I didn’t go to my 20th…

Occupation: Mommy and Wife

Married? Yep

Children/Ages? Two kids - Daughter is 3 years and Son will be 1 in October

Hobbies & Interests: Playing with the kidlets, Painting, Monopoly, Scrapbooking, Reading, Cake decorating

Best Memory of High School: Graduation

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School: Getting married and having kids

Something Special To Brag About: Doctors are not always right. I have a really cool Monopoly collection!

In the past (twenty years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories: I couldn’t really quantify a ‘best’ so here are some of my thoughts.

Movies: I’m stuck in toddler hell. All we seem to watch is Harry Potter and LOTR over and over and over and over…

Literature: What I read could hardly be considered literature :slight_smile:

Television: Sitcoms suck

Music: I’m surprised by the number of groups from the 80’s that are making a comeback

Sports: They get paid way too much money to play games

Cultural Events: I have no class - sorry :slight_smile:

I was wondering who got to decide what culture is. Thank God you found a list. (Cite?)

Uh, and it’s been 19 years since I graduated from high school. Your point being?

Occupation: Systems Trainer, Big Blue

Married? Yes

Children/Ages? One - Daughter is 2 months

Hobbies & Interests: Writing, Hiking, Pretending to Live Up to My Potential :slight_smile:

Best Memory of High School: My class being solely responsible for the repealment of the “early graduation if you have enough credits” offer.

Best Thing To Happen To YOu Since High School: Met a great woman, had a great baby, and got a great job.

Something Special To Brag About: I know more about movies than you do.

In the past (12 years) give your opinion of the best in the following catagories:

Movies: Fight Club, which I had to be forced to watch. Pulp Fiction. To a lesser extent, Go.

Literature: Anything by Chuck Palahniuk. Most of what I read is before 1993, so nothing else seems to qualify.

Television: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Survivor.

Music: Vertical Horizon

Sports: The 1996 St. Louis Cardinals. The 2001 St. Louis Blues. The 2001 World Series win by Diamondbacks. Every time the Yankees have lost a game. All of these are great moments in my life.

Cultural Events: That time I farted at the museum and they evacuated an entire wing because they thought it was a gas leak. Ohhh, it was. It was.