Favorite TV cartoon theme music-The '60s

Back to correct my own typo. 1961 eleven year old me.

Cool McCool was great–a dorky James Bond, who talked like Jack Benny.

When a hot mermaid chick invited him to “join (her) in the water”, he declined, explaining, “Water wrinkles my skin”.

Voiced by Don Adams btw.

Are you sure? Wiki says it was Bob McFadden.

Brain fart-Adams voiced Tennessee Tuxedo.

you forgot to add:

Sorry about that, chief.

Or: “Duh, that sounds logical.”

I used to play my brother’s album of TV cartoon themes. My favorite (great for dancing) was “George of the Jungle”. (I have never seen the show.)

It’s apparently a favorite of high-school bands: both my first brother-in-law and my wife, in their respective HS bands, decades apart, played the GOTJ theme. A trumpet would take the place of the vocalist.

I came to say this.
Also, the old Iron Man one.

Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse