FCM told me I had to start the week’s MMP~I’d been shirking long enough

The RoxStar has gone home. Pizza has been ordered for delivery. It’s rained on and off, so my grass seed has gotten watered. The mums have perked up nicely. FCD is trying to get around with just a cane instead of the walker - so far, so good.

Hope the pizza gets here soon. It’s early, but I’s hongree!!!

:arrow_up:Pretty, pretty. :arrow_up:

It was coming down in buckets this morning, so no ride for me. I went with Mrs Magill to her (new) Oncologist. Her numbers are looking good. I asked if that was from the transfusion last week, and he said, “Absolutely,” but then pointed out that these other numbers, which look better too, do not get affected by a transfusion. Her bone marrow is putting out the right kinds of cells. To make sure they know who’s boss, and that they don’t slip up again, she’s getting one more set of treatment, which she’s thrilled about. On the bright side, the doctor gave her the okay to go to the younger boys’ concert tomorrow evening.

The weather has cleared up, so I think I’ll grill some hamburgers and hot dogs tonight.

Yeah Wizard!!! All the best for Ms. Magill. Enjoy the concert!

Nappage completed. Rain has departed the region (due back tomorrow) so need to get ready for soccer practice in about an hour.

Boo’s happy :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::tada: dance for all the Magills!!! :dancer:t3::dancer:t3::dancer:t3::dancer:t3::dancer:t3: Throw some good wishes in too :+1:t2::clap:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::+1:t2::clap:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::+1:t2::clap:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::+1:t2::clap:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::+1:t2::clap:t3::crossed_fingers:t3: and frosting it all with :vulcan_salute:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

Two days from now it will be six months since my aneurysm surgery. I have received and paid bills from everyone except the hospital itself. This came today. The total was a delightful surprise. I wrote the check and walked it to the post box on the corner.

I have been keeping a spreadsheet and this is the last entry. I am out of pocket only 3.34% of the total cost of all services and fees.

It is like a weight was lifted off my shoulders…

Hippie - Huzzah for insurance! I hate to think what all of FCD’s surgeries would have cost us - probably about a bazillion dollars by now.

Our passports arrived! Huzzah!! Wonder if we’ll get to use them in December… Oddly enough, they didn’t return our old ones this time. Oh well.

Pizza came early so we ate early. It was yum!

29th! :slight_smile: Nice job, Boo. I have zero ambition to start an MMP, even though I’m often still up at midnight, so 3 a.m. on the east coast. I’m content to be a passenger on this bus.

Holy crud, when it rains, it pours. My son is coming this weekend IF migraines allow, and he won’t know until he gets up on Saturday which day it’ll be. Daughter and SIL will arrive sometime Sat but don’t know when, and her MIL and SIL’s sister are also coming. They won’t stay here overnight but may eat here Saturday. I have no idea who’ll be here for what meal, and I needs to plan and cook!

And on top of that, last night some friends said they’ll be in town Thursday afternoon and want to get together. They won’t be here at a mealtime, so I’m thinking iced tea and homemade cookies.

I’m thrilled to be seeing everyone, but after 14 months of quarantine, I’m a little overwhelmed.

And today was spent on the phone. Old Flame called and said, “Help! I just turned 65 and don’t understand all this Medicare stuff!” So I gave him info from JohnT’s excellent thread, and he’s doing better now. But the whole call took 2 hours, and it was followed by my sister’s call needing info on medical stuff.

So the fridge hasn’t been cleaned out. Maybe I should just let the food in there duke it out. I also need to get to the gym.

Yay for Mrs. Magill! That’s SUCH wonderful news!

wordy, they grow up way too frickin’ fast. It’ll save you some drive time to have him behind the wheel, but now you’ll worry over every siren.

hippie, glad the bill was a happy surprise. Doesn’t happen often!

OK, this is too long. Hugs to all!

Wow. I don’t have kids, don’t want 'em, never did … but this made me tear up a bit.

Must be cuz I’m tired. I had not one, but two brand-new (as in, their first day!) shadows to train today, plus the meeting with the New Corporate Overlords as well, and I’m just worn out. Picked up a lil Taco Hell on the way home, and am now seriously considering finding some place that does massages in the evenings. (But not that kind of late-night massage, yanno?)

You have a way with words!

That was good of you to volunteer for ush duty swampy.

Ouch on the tooth shady.

metal mouse, Sis did that once with her debit card. When she got it back, she found a charge for <$20 at a fast food place (someplace where they don’t need a sig or PIN for small amounts) and she figured that was her dumbass tax for the week, Still, she kept an eye on her statements for a while.

Yay for Mrs Magill!

Congrats on paying off the medical bills hippy.

It stormed all night last night and into the morning. It took three tries to get Nelson out the door to take a whiz. We’re supposed to get more of the same tonight.

Irked, came home, waled the dog, vacuumed and et supper. Chillage in the studio after KP.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Did the dog survive? /end smirk

Howdy Y’all! I have a story to tell, but first I shall do general commentary.

MetalMouse glad you recovered your card. That’s a scary thing to remember in the middle of the night!

shades Yikes! Hope your mouth is not too hurty today.

wordy hope overlyson has had a nice bday and has his permit and favorite ice cream.

pully also Yikes! Good luck with all the insurance stuff.

hippie yay for not too awful hospital bills and gettin’ 'em paid off. Between private insurance and Medicare, my two minor procedures of late were almost all covered.

shoe glad you survived the newbies and the new corporate overloards.

nuts yay on findin’ the booboo. You get a gold star! :star2: Also yay for the two housemates from heck bein’ gone.

Wizard fantastic news about Mrs. McGill! Hope she enjoys the concert.

nellie all these folks just can’t wait to see you, so they must all come at once. You have only yourself to blame for bein’ so popular.

Now for story time.

I ummm, kinda, sorta, buried somebody today. For real. OK, it was cremains and not an actual body. Then again, the cremains were once a body. The lady who had the memorial service this mornin’ had a space in the Columbarium over to the church house. Anywho, the service and committal got done, and when the folks finally left (just stand around forever and have a reunion right there in the Memorial Garden why don’t ya!) I had the joy of openin’ up the space, transferrin’ the cremains from the container they were in (they were in a plastic bag sealed shut with a plastic zip tie, so I didn’t acutally touch ‘em) into the much longer and narrower container we use in the Columbarium, seal the container, plopin’ said container of cremains into the slot, and screwin’ the little cover back down over it all. So, see, I buried somebody today. At the time I did all this (took all of ten minutes) I didn’t think about it, but on the way home it hit me. I walked in da cave, announced to OYKW that I had just buried somebody and promptly had two martinis at one o’clock in the afternoon. If that was not a reason to day drink, then I don’t know what is.

So there ya have my story. I can add gravedigger to my skill set.

And a mighty fine story it is. I agree, that calls for at least two drinks :tropical_drink::cocktail:.

Didja remember to wash your hands after the plopping back of the lid? That’s an important job skill in these cases.

And not only do you have a new skill set, you have a new skull set of skill sets.

{{ huggzz }} You did a good deed today, respectfully and with kindness, and I hope it doesn’t weigh too heavily on you.


Plopped some money back into the local economy (she tells herself as justification for spending the $$) and woah, did I need that.

I haven’t made dinner yet - and should; that meat should not sit overnight in the marinade - but I’m thiiiiiiis close to simply going the hell to bed right fucking now. That woman did wonders.

Maybe I’ll just cook the meat in the middle of the night, when I inevitably wake up. (Yeah, right.)

Up at 5:30am. Put on workout clothes and put work clothes on a hanger to take with. Normally I throw something easy into the lunch bag but today I cut some strips of leftover chicky breast, placed on a tortilla then layered sharp cheddar strips, tomato strips, some chopped parsley and red onion and slathered on some mayo then rolled it up and put in plastic bag. Since I’d eaten breakfast (half an onion bagel with avocado sliced onto it) at 6am, I was pretty hungry by 11:30 and that tortilla with all the goodies rolled inside hit the spot. Irk was very irksome. First I worked out on a NuStep for 40 minutes then went to work. I’m getting closer and closer to handing in a notice. Worked/volunteered at the vaccination clinic at the local community center this afternoon. I did data entry into the state’s vaccination website. Hubby had dinner ready for me when I finally got home at 7pm. Leftover shishkabob with rice. For dessert had the last piece of Millionaire Shortbread. I had seen it made on the Great British Baking Show and thought it looked pretty good and not all that hard to make. So when our daughter came home for the first time in 15 months last weekend, It seemed like the right time to attempt the recipe. We’ve all decided that they need to be added to the annual Christmas cookie baking list.

But scarie and nut: what the heck is with you UKers calling cookies, biscuits?!?! When Paul Hollywood said it was biscuit week, I was looking forward to seeing what kind of biscuits would be made but was very confused to see the bakers making cookies!

Well, Alex Catt slept through 4 goal celebrations with on my lap tonight. “Bulimic Supermodel Cat” does the kibble hornk thing, though.

[b]Flytrap[b/], :grinning:

Yay Mr. and Mrs. Wizard!

My Uncle Pat has some interesting grave stories. And at least there wasn’t a a breeze. :wink:

@swampbear You definitely needed and deserved that martooni. I have to say, were I to have my remains put into a Columbarium, you are EXACTLY the guy I’d want to handle the transfer. Big Italian hugs, swampy boy!

I thought that last line said, “I can add gravedigger to my skull set.” Let the record show I have had zero martinis. Maybe that’s my problem.

All y’all with critters should be glad you don’t live near me (even though I’d dog- or cat-sit for free). Guess what’s been waking me up in the wee hours. Go on, guess. That’s right: fireworks. Every single night since last Thursday. I’m fantasizing about buying a bunch of megaphones:

Don’t know how I missed this yesterday. Boo, well done you!

Due to scheduling issues, called my parents Monday evening (my time), and then ordered pizza before calling it a Monday. Tuesday is already getting crazy as I should put the cheap strawberries into some sort of bread (found a recipe, just have to make it) and bake the cookie dough I assembled in the fridge. The recipe calls for at least 1 hour of chill, but it can be chilled longer.

And we need milk. I buy 4x1.75 liters of milk at a time and we go through it like grass through a goose. The store’s not far away and I have a babuska cart, but trying to do something around meetings is rather crazy. And today is meeting hell.

And on that note, time to get ready for the 5 m commute, with a detour to the rest stop and restaurant.

May the 4th be with you!

What’s up with you Murricans calling scone-type-things biscuits? :stuck_out_tongue: When I first heard about ‘biscuits and gravy’ I was more than a bit confused, I’ll tell ya that…

Another day of staring at a screen beckons. Tis pretty windy out there, so at least I don’t want to be outside this morning.