Feds 'black-bagging people' in Portland

No, you’re missing two mentioned in the article linked here.

Brittainy … who asked that we not use her last name because of privacy concerns

Marek Jarocki

And at least two more who aren’t named:

One of Jarocki’s cellmates told him that he had been arrested after slipping and falling while running away from federal officers; another cellmate arrived after Jarocki, coated in pepper spray and so disoriented he hadn’t realized he was being detained.

The article I mentioned that brought the count up to two? No, you’re missing what I actually wrote:


and the reports by Pettibone and Tetra are a far cry from

Officers wearing DHS uniform


walked her toward the Multnomah County Justice Center, which houses a county jail


officers told Brittainy she was being detained for “failure to comply.”


After being read her Miranda rights

That’s about as conventional as it gets.

The other two named individuals were detained by federal officers right outside the courthouse and brought inside. No “black-bagging”. No vans.

That doesn’t mean any of this was proper, but I didn’t write a single word about the number of people detained, properly or not.


Just a note to remind you that calling other posters trolls is specifically against the rules.

No warning issued. But I don’t want to see it happen again. Thanks.

What of this?

Provocateurs continue to try to whip Portland up. It does not appear to be working though without the Federal agents shooting indiscriminately into crowds, targeting journalists and kidnapping people off the street. I like the recent words of the Governor:

“Don’t think for a moment that if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are,” he said. “If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up.”

Personal accounts and multiple videos posted online show the officers driving up to people, detaining individuals with no explanation about why they are being arrested, and driving off. I wonder how many of these videos can be found.

Here’s one, reportedly of Feds in a rental. Which brings up another question: how much of our tax dollars are being spent to rent these?

Whose governor would that be? Because Oregon’s governor is a bisexual woman, name of Kate Brown, who does NOT use he/him pronouns.

Who’s in this SUV? Or, not being a van, does it not count?

It seems as though, as often as this is repeated, it is not being repeated enough

People don’t want to think that their way of life is in danger, and will grasp for any straws they can find in order to justify denial.

Apologies. That was a quote from Portland’s mayor, Ted Wheeler.

Carry on.

That does make more sense and sounds just like “Tear Gas Teddy.” I’m very pleased that he finally decided to attend one of the protests he was so free about allowing the PPB to run roughshod over and got the full treatment from the Goon Squads. He’s been much less pro-chemical weapons since then.

If you think it disproves something I wrote, nobody’s stopping you from telling us.

Yep. Something clearly not conventional is getting a pass.

Portland protesters took to bulwarking their front line

with large decorated shields, presumably to deal with projectile weapons. Police, apparently baffled by the defenses, declared an unlawful assembly and threatened the protesters with “crowd control measures”.

I am not clear on what the rules of protest are, but I recall hearing some while ago that demonstrators/protesters are not allowed to possess gas masks, so the big shields may have constituted some sort of protocol infraction.

Protests have shifted to the East Precinct building, which is about 2.5 miles from me as the crow flies and I’ve been able establish exactly when they declare it a riot because the mortars and flashbangs and tear gas canister explosions cause my nervous dog to turn herself inside out. I’m really sick of cops and their fucking tantrums.

The left is finding out they can’t control their monsters. Mostly peaceful attempted murderers…

Righties like you literally killing people, and all you have to complain about is people starting fires. Beam/mote, etc.

The people instigating and carrying out this shit should be arrested, tried, and imprisoned if convicted. Can you say the same about the attempted murderers you regularly defend?

As I already wrote:

Multiple people have asked if there were other known examples besides Pettibone. So thank you for posting something about the actual thread topic. Too bad it took nearly a thousand posts.

This does not accurately describe the subthread you responded to, which began by my thanking someone for posting the second account of “black-bagging.”

If you think I’ve given anyone a “pass”, then you are continuing to misread, as already evidenced by your objections to my post about the article about Tetra.

The “didn’t read” vibes in this thread are hilarious:

  1. Thank your for posting the second example about black-bagging
  2. “the article has more!”
  3. It doesn’t
  4. “what about Brittainy!”
  5. That was a conventional arrest, not a blackbagging
  6. “what about this other guy the reporter didn’t talk to!”
  7. ?
  8. Your post, above.

I don’t know what the actual fuck you even think your debating against.

But please do pass on any other examples you find of van-nappings. That goes for everyone else. I’ll do the same.