On March 3rd my fiance was robbed in the alley beside our apartment complex by three men. Well no that’s not exactly right. It was an attempted robbery. When they demanded money he pulled out a knife and they backed off until he turned around to run away. Then they pelted him with rocks and the cover of a barbeque grill. Our apartment manager witnessed the entire thing and repeated this several times for the officers when they arrived. Mig (fiance) had seen two of the men before at the apartment of one neighbor. The police talked to the neighbor who first insisted he didn’t know anyone by that description, but then said the guys were chasing Mig off because he was trying to steal their car. Reports were taken, witnesses questioned, Mig was told to go to the hospital but he refused (he shouldn’t have; he had a huge knot on his head)
On March 6th he had to go look at pictures of possible assailants. He chose one he was absolutely positive was the right man. The other he wasn’t sure about so he didn’t circle the pic and sign his name.
He was instructed to go to a specific clinic to have a written statement from a physician so he missed a day of work and paid out 200 dollars. Wasted money apparently.
On March 10th police swarmed our complex and took away several men from the apartment above.
The next day we found out that two of the men picked up were our neighbors, brothers from another apartment. Neither of them were guys Mig picked out, but one of them was the guy he wasn’t sure about. The next morning we called the detective handling the case and were told he was out of town until the next week. We explained what was going on and they said they could do no more than take a message for the detective.
That day several of our neighbors (most of us are very close to each other around here for the most part; it’s a small complex) came by to ask why Mig identified the guy and he explained he never identified this guy as an assailant, only said the picture looked familiar. We assumed this detective straightened things out because that one fella was released a few DAYS later.
However, and this is where it gets complicated: The other guy still in jail was never identified by Mig, wasn’t even at home when it happened, and we know without a doubt he had nothing to do with it. Mig never even saw his picture. The guy’s mother came to us the next day begging us to call the police again and straighten this out. We called immediately but as before, we could only leave a message. We assured her we’d straighten it out. It was not exactly Mig’s job but he felt guilty because of the other guy he misidentified (even though he was clear with the detective from the beginning he wasn’t sure and refused to sign the picture).
We asked our apartment manager to help us since he was a witness but now he refuses to discuss anything with the police. After initially saying he saw the whole thing…Mig actually ran to HIM as they were chasing him and the manager chased them off…well now he says he didn’t really see anything. Thanks dude.
Two days later the guy was still in jail, and somehow he got our phone number. Our number isn’t listed so I have no idea how, but it doesn’t really matter. The point is, he is STILL in jail. He had a court date but it was postponed until April 3 and his parents can’t afford the 55k bond set. This man calls us five and six times a day now! I can understand his desperation but we’ve done everything we can do. We’ve both called several times. Mig has gone back up to the police station twice. The first time they only let him leave a message but the second time someone bothered to look up the case and told him he’d need to contact the DA.
Friday he called three times and I called once to leave a message with the DA’s office. Yesterday we received a letter confirming the case was coming to trial and it listed a name and number to call if we had any questions. We’ve called that number and left no less than six messages. This man has been sitting in jail for what, three weeks now? Twenty days…and nobody seems to care!
And that’s not all of it. The guy that he identified as being an assailant has not even slowed down visiting this complex. Several neighbors have seen him at other units here since it happened. I saw him Sunday afternoon…he walked right by me in the courtyard like he had not a care in the world. The police have been told via these increasingly desparate phone calls we’ve made.
What else can we possibly do? The letter we received said he probably wouldn’t have to appear in court, but just to be available in case he’s called so he won’t even be there for the trial probably. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before, but it just seems so wrong that he wouldn’t have to be there at all!
Nobody wants to return our calls or let us see anyone past the front desk if we just go to the station. Mig’s lost several days of work because of this, paid out doctor bills, it’s kept him up at night, made him miserable…and imagine what it’s like for the OTHER guy in jail. I know he probably shouldn’t be calling us and at this point we’ve blocked his number because I got so frustrated with saying “sorry no news” when he’d call with his pregnant girlfriend on three-way.
I will call his girlfriend or go to his parents if and when we learn anything though.
His father just walked by me outside today and just gave me a sad nod. He’s done asking I guess. His mother has come to my door crying at least three times and I feel so horrible for her. But what can we do at this point? Call the news stations?
Any ideas?
please excuse typos and general poor grammar. trying so hard to get this posted while my little girl crawls all over me.