
It’s available for free on Tubi. I wasn’t aware of this movie but it does sound intriguing so I looked it up. I may watch it this week.

So how’s that going?

Given a hundred years of continued technological advancement, I suspect that a significant fraction of the population in our culture might choose to be ‘fictosexuals’.

Some people might choose to form relationships with user-friendly, human-like virtual reality avatars, who respond to their own wishes and interests with enthusiasm. Tailor-made friends and lovers may be commonplace, especially in the context of a virtual, simulated environment.

Other people might choose to form relationships with user-friendly, human-like robots or other semi-sentient devices. What relationships might arise between a human and a smart car, or a smart aircraft, boat or spacecraft, or even a smart home or simply a smart, semi-sentient communications device? Such devices may offer more rewarding relationships than other humans, who have their own faults and desires, and might let you down at any moment.

Imagine the squick factor when RealDolls marries Boston Dynamics.

Just learned that RealDoll is now producing an AI version.

Youtube interview. (Silicon boobs and labia occasionally visible.)

Of course, there is precedent. Man marries RealDoll documentary on TLC.

Dammit, I coined a term for a sexual predilection for imaginary lovers, and that term was faux-sexual.

I first used it years ago, to refer to my own sexual orientation. And now, the concept has been co-opted into the term “fictosexual”?

Fie !!! My term is much more euphonic, and as a faux-sexual I refuse to give it up.

While there are some factual aspects to this question, and I appreciate the posters who have attempted to restrict themselves to the facts in their responses, most of both what the OP is asking and what posters are answering is better suited for IMHO. Moving.


In fact, his first love was Rei Toei, but he just couldn’t realistically compete with Rez.

Not if the Space Pope has anything to say about it.

The phenomenon of people fantasizing about virtual assistants is well-established.

There could be pressure placed on AI developers to have their virtual assistants snap back at users who see them as potential romantic attachments and even sex toys.

Do we have to add copyright infringement to the law next to age of consent?

Either here or on the late FFF board, there was a poster who was married to the Berlin Wall. Some members thought it was a put on, put she seemed quite sincere to me.

I read an article a few years back about how the Japanese have a word that basically means “romantic relationships are too complicated” and that many (most?) Japanese young adults try to avoid them. It doesn’t mean they are asexual; just loath to fall in love. Falling in love with a nonperson would seem a popular crutch for that kind of lifestyle choice.

In some states.

Used to be your average voter didn’t care one lick whether some made-up guy or gal married one, two, or a hundred different folks! And there are still states that never got around to modernizing the laws.

Those were simpler and happier times, especially for fictional characters.

Well, if I had a real-life R2D2 as a buddy, I’d be happy.