Finally The Dark Shadows Movie

Looks like this will be a love it/hate it - no middle ground movie. well at least the trailer is.

When does the movie come out? can’t wait…


Yes. I kept thinking there was something not QUITE right with that sentence but didn’t think to verify the name.

What Tim Burton movie hasn’t fit into this category (aside from Planet of the Apes which seems to more loathed now than when it was in 2001)?

good point, NDP

Good Lord! I just watched the Dark Shadows bloopers linked to upthread. Having never seen this show in the '70s, I was gobsmacked at the people running amuck in the shots. Did they have to use one take or was this live?? Half the time the people don’t even know what they’re saying, and then you could hear the prompter!
I’m a high school drama teacher, and I would shoot my kids if they couldn’t remember their lines better than that. It’s just a whole parade of cringe-worthiness.

limegreen - I like Burton’s comic approach as seen in the trailer. There is NO reason to take this material seriously!

PS - accding to the wikipedia (for what that’s worth) the show was filmed “live-to-tape format — with almost every scene done in one take”.

Limegreen - for a little more background - this was a daily soap - that’s one 30-minute show every single weekday - and they ran for several years like that.

So yeah - most of the writing was done hastily, the actors had sometimes less than an hour with their lines before the scenes were shot, and there were no chances for pickups or re-takes - everything had to be done fast and shot out the door for airing.

As much as I enjoyed watching the original - I stand firmly behind the inherent possibility of a funny adaptation (not saying it’s going to be good, just that there’s hope for it to be funny).

Furthermore, even if it makes me a tasteless hack, I will admit that I enjoyed Burton’s Sweeny Todd, and (get ready to swoon!) Hocus Pocus has always been one of my favorite movies. :smiley:

I blame Johnny Depp.

for the woosh impaired: because he’s in the DS movie and was in the 21JS TV show (and reportedly has a cameo in the movie)

I lost a lot of respect for both Burton and Depp when I saw that trailer. They’re really sinking to a new level of bad taste with this one. I can’t help thinking you could replace Johnny Depp with Leslie Nielsen or Martin Lawrence with no loss of quality.

Leslie Nielsen would be an interesting casting choice. Can a corpse play a vampire better than a living actor? I dunno, but I bet they save money on the catering.

Is David Selby still alive? If so, I wish they’d given him a cameo as well. Back in the day, Quentin had a fanbase every bit as overheated as did Barnabas.

According to IMDB, he appears in it.

[ETA: Damn. Dude’s got a Ph.D!! And he’s still … rowr!]

And a major radio hit. Well, not him, but “Quentin’s Theme”. (Yes, it does behoove a camp TV show blogger to betroth himself to a librarian with a deep and personal knowledge of the Reader’s Guide.)

Oh… MY! One more reason to see this movie! Rowr indeed!

I just found the song on YouTube. Ye gods, it’s horrible.

But David Selby…yowza.

So does the Original Angelique, Maggie and Quentin. I read this on the Dark Shadows page.

Very disappointed. I only saw some of the Original show when it was shown on SyFy. I can’t believe they made a spoof movie I was expecting something much different than a dark comedy.

As was I. :frowning:

Likewise. I never watched the original when it was on (too mature for me at the time, I s’pose), and I feel kinda sorry for the true fans whose hearts will be broken by this comedic remake, but what the hell, I’ll watch it.

The whole “look how funny the 70s looked” thing has been done. I see nothing that makes me want to seek this out.