find 50 ways to leave your lover.

Just get on a jet, Freekalette
Tell her you don’t feel the same way, bbs2K
Don’t do her any harm, Robot Arm
Tell her you have to fly, Mr Bus Guy
Just don’t be a fucker, Earl Snake-Hips Tucker
Tell her you prefer sheep to a gal, Hal

Take a rocket into space, Ace

Chow down like a cannibal, Hannibal

Burn her as a witch, Mitch

Crawl under a rock, Jock

Go punch a lion, Brian

Commit suicide, Clyde.

Get penis stuck in nut, King Tut.

Drop her in the gorge, George.
Tell her she’s not your pick, Dick.
Just be gone, John.
Toss your hair like Farrah, Sarah.

Say you’re shipping out for Iraq, Barack.
Just go with the flow, Joe.
Lock him in the pillory, Hillary.
Just tell her to chill, Bill.

I am totally stealing some of these for the next time I do this song.

Very very funny.
Just bury her in the cellar, fella!

Try to stick it in her fanny, Danny

Run over her Jack Russell, Jack Russell

Give her cat a high kick, Nick

Tell you ain’t comin’ back, Barack

Say her back is too hairy, Gary

Start a disgusting canard, Bernard

Just keep on lyin’ Ryan

Tell her you’re a mutant, Xavier

Say her ass is too bony, Tony