"Finding Bigfoot"

I guess I might consider it a guilty pleasure, but I do enjoy Finding Bigfoot.

Funny last night, they were searching, of all places, Rhode Island. Rhode Island. I’ve been to Rhode Island, my father was born in Rhode Island. Rhode Island would have to my least likeliest place for a Sasquatch.

Actually they had two shows last night, the other was looking for Sasquatch practically in the shadows of NYC along the Hudson River which I found just as ridiculous.

Think of all the New Yorkers flushing baby sasquatches down the toilet when they started to get too big.

Heh Heh heh
Amazing show - LOVE IT. Not because it is real -It’s not. But it is funny! Especially how they use their made up logic and pretend it is some how scientific. Waiting until they run into a bear that eats someone up. I always imagine them howling into the night, and 5 miles away another group of researchers is howling right back and both teams are recording each other.

With confidentiality agreements common nowadays, I’d think so. The teasers leading up to airing the episode would be numerous and dramatic.

“Finding Bigfoot” actually is on Animal Planet, which is under the umbrella of Discovery Communications.


That’s the one I saw part of and that I came in there to mention: they were looking for Sasquatch in Ringwood/Sterling Forest, that area. Are you kidding me? In one shot you could actually see I-287 or the NYS Thruway away off in the background while one of those guys was nattering on.

Complete lunacy. Who pays for this shit?

Oh, and the trailer where someone was saying “OMG that’s not a coyote howling”. It was totally a coyote.

Rhode Island? Are you sure they didn’t get Bigfoot confused with Peter Griffin? :smiley:

Film ten hours of footage with night vision camera. Edit down to 40 minutes of somewhat-carefully selected “dramatic” moments of chasing through underbrush with a wobbly camera after hearing a bigfoot call (could be anything really) or seeing a shape or spoor (ditto). Throw in some contrived interpersonal drama. Interview bogus “cryptozoologist” or “Bigfoot expert.” Show reprises of all the hoax Bigfoot film from the past. Every time you go to a commercial, shave off another couple minutes with “coming up . . . the team moves in” and “previously, the team was getting ready to move in.”

Not hard at all. As long as there are freaks (solid supply) and attention whores (unlimited supply), I could make fifty of these a year in perpetuity. Literally.

As long as it is caught on camera. Extra points if its another bigfoot filming.

I love how “squatch” is used as a:

Noun- There’s a squatch in these woods

Verb- We’re going squatching

Adjective- This is a really squatchy area.

It's the perfect word! Use squatch in a sentence today!:cool:

This show is my new guilty pleasure, especially since the last episode declared Ohio, where I live, to be one of the squatchiest states, and they spent the entire episode banging around in Salt For state park, where I used to go camping.

I also nearly fell over laughing a few episodes ago when one of them gave his “bigfoot howl” and set off every coyote in a twenty mile radius. This was seen as evidence of bigfoot presence. Because, coyotes follow bigfoots or something like that. Honestly, if a guy in a clown costume walked past and mooned them, they would find a ay to say that there was a squatch nearby.

It’s kind of like “Smurf,” isn’t it?

I watched until the second ep when they went to the Florida Everglades to find a skunk ape. The voiceover of the “squatch” hunter leader said it only made sense to hang out with Seminoles since their ancestors had been there in the swamp for thousands of years and would know what was going on.

Of course, in reality, the Seminoles only moved into the area in the 18th century. Just about every major Western European ethnic group was hanging out near the Everglades before the Seminoles got there, but hey, television.

Those of us in the know in Ohio call him “Grassman”.

They go squatchin’, is what they do!

My fiance and I ended up watching a marathon of this in a hotel room a couple weeks ago because we were all jetlagged and couldn’t sleep. It never got old - “This area is really squatchy!” “What the squatches are doing, is they’re gonna be hiding out in these woods and they’re gonna look at you from behind the trees!”

God, it was funny. Squatchin!

ETA - and THEN they make Bigfoot noises!!

All you non-believers and poo-pooers are in for a big shock when they finally find one… and the Told You So’ers are gonna have their say.

I’ll take my chances and continue to call a fool a fool.

My squatch itches.

***Ohio ***a squatchy state?

You’re squatchin’ kidding me! It’s not even slightly squatchesque! Your squatchitude could fit in my left squatch.

I don’t remember Destination Truth making that kind of error. I do remember them doing a daytime investigation specifically because witnesses were saying that something was being seen during the day, though. I’m wondering if maybe you’re mixing up impressions of various shows, since DT typically sets up 4 cameras in 4 directions, plus some kind of laser trip wire perimeter plus usually some additional motion-activated cameras and so forth. The host, Josh Gates, clearly approaches these investigations with a sense of skepticism and lightheartedness that shows like GH and their ilk do not, and very often in his pre-investigation briefs he usually tells his team something like, “Witnesses claim to be seeing leprechauns, and they take it pretty seriously, no matter how silly it sounds. Let’s see if we can find some explanations for the things that they’re seeing out here.” He even, in an early episode, made a comment on how unlikely he thought it would be for a non-english speaking ghost to communicate in an “EVP” in english, but he just kind of went with it, I suspect because it’s more appealing to their audience. But for me, the real appeal of DT has more to do with the team encountering local culture and legends and the personalities on the team. I definitely don’t watch because I think that they’re going to catch a werewolf or Ogopogo.

In contrast, Fact or Faked makes me roll my eyes sometimes because they’ll go through the trouble of debunking a video, and they will succeed, and then they’ll decide that they have to do a “night investigation” anyway! Again, I’m thinking that this might be because their audience isn’t looking for “ghosts aren’t real” so much as, “oooh, that’s CREEPY!” And maybe it’s kind of like on Mythbusters when preliminary tests are enough to debunk a myth about something exploding, but they’ll go ahead and blow shit up anyway, because hey, it’s fun. And there are also some videos that they investigate where I’m practically shouting at the screen, “NO, you idiots, it’s not birds, it’s balloons! It’s OBVIOUS!” and they’ll test out the birds and the kites and the model airplanes even though it should be obvious that those aren’t the answer until they finally DO test the balloons and say, “ah, that must have been it!”