"Finding Bigfoot"

Hey! Squatchers gotta squatch!

The worst part of the show IMO is when the Bigfoot team calls the town meeting and asks if anyone here has had a Squatch encounter. About 15 slack jawed yokels generally raise their hands. Oh, and that guy Bobo seems like he is always stoned to me.

I rather enjoy the SCP Foundation’s take on Bigfoot.

The Finding Bigfoot people are working for the Foundation! It all makes sense now.

(That entire addendum is actually really creepy.)

I’ve watched this show since it started maybe 5 years ago. Among my friends and I we call it NOT Finding Bigfoot. Hosted by the three Stooges and a lady. These guys couldn’t find their way out of a closet with the door open let alone an animal much smarter than they have proven to be. The only thing they are experts at is banging a stick against a tree and howling into the night. It really is one of the dumbest but funniest shows on cable. The thing is I do believe in Bigfoot but they are giving Bigfoot a bad name.

I forgot to mention the town hall meetings where they ask if anyone has seen a Squatch and about 15 - 20 hands go up. then they investigate a site that someone claims to have seen him 2 years ago. All the sightings were seen during the day but they go out at night with their spot lights. I’ve always imagined BF standing behind the camera guy LHAO.
BTW - BOBO always looks like he’s either a deer staring into a cars headlights or stoned - I vote for stoned

It was refreshing to have the skeptic be a woman, wasn’t it? This was probably the most positive thing about the show.

I stayed at a motel up the road from the show’s Colorado location a few years ago. The owner assured me that the woman who claimed to have seen the big guy on a hike has never hiked a day in her life. I stopped in to the Bigfoot Center (or whatever it was called) in Baliey, CO. Sad. I haven’t seen a store in such poor shape outside of Mississippi.

Sorry to throw shade on Mississippi, but it’s true.

Geez, I started this bokor celebrating the refreshing use of a female skeptic and look at how it turned out. I’m just a bad person. I’ll go away now.

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