Finding SCSI information on Windows ME

How do I find SCSI information on Windows ME?

Need more information to help you.

I’m not a SCSI maven but I have installed ME on my daughter’s PC and the method of installing and configuring drivers is mostly the same as for WIN 98 with the exception of DOS based drivers.

What kind of SCSI information re Win ME are you looking for? Installed driver info., resource utilization and/or conflicts re SCSI adapter configuration…what?

I need to find the name of my SCSI device driver.

For device drivers in general

You can go to control panel and then clock the “system” icon then the device manager tab. A list of hardware devices under the device manager tab will pop up. The SCSI device should be in this list either as installed or with a question mark by it indicating it was/is not properly recognized or installed. Chose “properties” under this SCSI hardware tab listing and you should see the specific driver listed.

I’ve checked and I can’t find anything in that list called SCSI. Does every functional Windows ME PC have SCSI?

:: Preparing self for dope slap after such a question. ::

The geeks want to help but you really need to give some more info. This is getting to be like pulling teeth with your short cryptic questions.

Are you asking if you have an SCSI adapter/interface installed in your PC or if one is supposedly resident on your MB? Is this the question? Are you trying to find out whether you have an SCSI adapter onboard? Or do you know you have an adapter and want to see where the drivers are listed?

Just so we are clear in the context of your last post. SCSI is a hardware interface and is usually either an installed add-on board or integrated onto the MB. It has nothing to do with being an inherent part of ME as such. ME has a number of SCSI drivers for popular stuff bundled into the OS install package but most of the time you will need to have a hardware specific driver for proper installation.

Onboard SCSI is not that common and if outboard you should be able to see a SCSI card in your PCI or ISA slots if one is installed on your system. If on is on your MB you should have a hardware connection on the MB I-O ports for it or the option to enable and configure it should be listed in the BIOS setup.

A SCSI adapter/ interface will usually only appear on the device list if it is recognized by the Win ME OS as an SCSI device. IF you have a SCSI interface installed in your PC it should appear there as a listed device along with the driver and the resources it is using in the sub-tabs. If the adapter is defective or there is a resource conflict that does not allow the adapter to be recognized it is possible that the system would not recognize it at all or otherwise list it an unrecognized device with a question mark by it.

I really should have made this clear: I’m not trying to install ME. I’m trying to install a Linux distro on a machine that already has Windows ME on it. I cannot find anything labeled SCSI in the place you suggested I look. Of course, I expanded all of the subdirectories. Is it safe to assume I do not have SCSI on my machine, or will I have to open my case to be sure?

I’m sorry my posts here have been so short. My internet connection was very bad for some reason earlier today and last night and I wanted to make sure I got through before my connection timed out.

Barring resource conflicts or the possibility that onboard SCSI was disabled via the BIOS I would say it’s most likely you do not have a SCSI interface adapter in/on your machine.

The version of Linux listed below will make the Linux/ME dual boot sharing upgrade process painless.

Thanks for the joke, astro. I almost bought it until I heard how Microsoft was invading Cuba (lead by General Protection Fault, no doubt :slight_smile: ) and the colonization of Mars would proceed apace once the apes would accept the stunning crappiness of SpacePod 2004. Oh, and the Gates Private License sounds like just the thing the DoJ would attack, unless Microsoft’s own lawyers attacked it first.

My favorite part:
“He doesn’t scare me as much as he scares others.”
– Richard Stallman