F'ing lying sacks of manure from ADT just rang my doorbell

Turtles for DAYS…

I bet turtles are like M&Ms for gators. Crunchy shell with a soft center.

Just look at how unprepared you are for car trouble! That’s why you need the insurance!

A while back, the library had flyers of their Adult Literacy program on the counter and I took a handful. When a salesperson ignores our No Solicitating sign to knock on our door, I open the conversation by asking if they know someone who can read, then hand them a flyer while telling them to have their friend help the salesperson sign up so salesperson can learn to read signs saying to go away. Then I close the door and slide the deadbolt.

I usually have to pick the flyer up out of our bushes, but hey, reusing it is good for the planet.

I tip my hat at Master_Wang-Ka and thank you for that hilarious link.
Living in Europe I do not know what ADT is, and I think after reading this thread it is better that way, and it’s been over 30 years since somebody tried to sell me at my doorfront a magazine subscription, but I regularly get calls from “microsoft” from “San Francisco” who try to get me to install some malware on my own computer. They always speak with a very strong Indian or Chinese accent and their arguments to convince me are daft to the point of being insulting. I tried for a while to show them that I did not fall for them by asking what time it was in Frisco (they always gave wrong answers, usually it would have been 3 to 5 in the morning due to the fact that I am in Europe and they never managed to sort that out - I mean: who the f**k works at that time? Come on!), or what the wheater was there. But when they did not stop, I put on my favorite list in my browser two songs from blink 182: Fuck a Dog and Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker fart turd twat cock. Both are pretty obscene, so I spoilerd them. As they are on my favourite list I can find them fast, and as my computer is mostly close by and running so I simply say: Wait a second, I have a message for you and play them loud. After the song (either the one or the other, depending on my mood) is over they have always hung up - so far. Still they keep on calling, but I like to think it is not so often anymore.

Oh, damned! I have just checked the Videos I linked to and Google now wants me to prove my age! They want either a credit card or a copy of my ID! Although I have been a client since over 15 years! And considering no 3 year old baby ever got an e-mail acoount way back then they should know that I am an adult.
I hate them.

We haven’t received any “Windows” calls since this:

Even if you actually believe that they are making a mistake in pushing away everyone, this type of hateful, sarcastic reply is uncalled for. You know the person is having a hard time due to handling the death of a loved one. They are angry at a bunch of predators who are trying to take advantage of that grief.

We hear about how the JWs like to take advantage of grieving people like this. But, in my case at least, they at least had the decency to just send an envelope via the mail. I don’t know if this is a normal practice or due to COVID-19, but it was appreciated.

These assholes didn’t even care about their being a pandemic, trying to do their nonsense in person. That’s how degenerate they are.

I’ve put up with you being disruptive in other threads, but this nonsense is a new low. Back the fuck off.

My tactic, such as it is, is to forget how to speak English. The people allegedly calling from Microsoft does not speak Danish, Swedish or German :smiley: . I usually have a pause of a few months after one of those. All without being impolite.

I must be lucky; I’ve had maybe three salescreatures show up at my door since I first moved into the place in 2007.

On the other hand, at my place of work (in Houston, Texas) I get 3-5 automated phone calls per day, entirely in Chinese. I’ve been hanging up on these things for more than a year. No idea what they may be about, 'cause, you know, they’re in bloody Chinese.

These seem to alternate with other calls (in English, at least) that start out, “This is an important message, do not hang up the phone…” I’m afraid I fail to follow the instructions of robots, every time.

Here ya go:

Looked 'em up after getting a couple of such calls on my work phone.

Okey-doke, thanks.

So once I was in Israel, and, while I am sat down at an outdoor table drinking my coffee, a group of kids asks to join me, since there were no free tables. They were really young, like around 20. I do not recall all the details of their conversation, but I understood that a couple of them had a summer job where some kind of “legitimate businessmen” would spirit them off to shopping malls in the US, Japan, Europe, etc. where their job was to flog overpriced cosmetics to passers-by. They said they felt kind of bad for the suckers who bought any, but I guess not that bad since they took the job…

Yeah - this is a new one by me. We’ve owned 3 homes (one in NC, 2 in our current locale) and never had anything like this happen.

Back in 1994, though, when we were living in a townhouse near here, a woman was grabbed as she arrived home late one evening, dragged off to a nearby area, and raped.

Every. Other. Day. there was a new sales brochure from ADT shoved under our front door.

Bear in mind, ADT’s services would not have helped this woman, as she was outside - in the few steps between her car and her front door. But ADT was clearly latching onto people’s fear and using that to market their services.

This also happened not long after a serial rapist (in the DC area, not our suburb) took to calling his victims afterward to attempt to sell them security services.

Needless to say, I will never, ever, EVER deal with ADT.


I’ve told the tale here before of the times I’ve tearfully announced the death of the person the scammer was trying to reach. I’ve never gotten to elaborate though - both times, those particular calls have stopped. I’m almost jealous - I had really good stories cooked up and ready to launch.

I see I have a kindred spirit.


About a week after DesertWife died I got a call from her credit union. The payment on her auto loan due two weeks before had been overlooked as she was pretty much circling the grave at the time. The rep said she was calling for her “on a very urgent matter.”

“That’s not possible,” I managed to say.

“But it’s very urgent and this is her number.”

“It’s not possible because she’s dead.”

After a squawk she hung up and I was a bit regretful. About fifteen minutes later the supervisor called back; I explained the situation and tendered my apology to the young lady.

He said if I sent them a copy of the death certificate they’d close the loan and I could keep the car – they’d take out life insurance on the payer of the loan just for such circumstances.

I did sign up for oil delivery in service for a guy dropped by at this house. Very polite older gentlemen who said right up front he saw the house sale listing in the newspaper and asked if I wanted to discuss a contract. I talked to him, already had an estimate from another company which wasn’t as good. After he left I called the only two people I knew in the area and they confirmed his company was a good one, so I called and set up the contract.

So I don’t hate a cold call like that so much as the dishonest approach. And I don’t have trouble getting unwanted visitors of any kind to go away. Or I didn’t, I hate getting old and looking it, I can see people eying me with a little less caution these days.