Finish This Sentence: I'm so nerdy that . . .

Also Doc Cochran, one of my favorite characters ever.

I forgot to add:

…I have a pic of me high-five-ing Bruce Campbell (he called me an “artiste” in a hoity-toity voice)

…I walked down the aisle to a cello rendition of the Princess Bride theme

…I was once personally insulted by Mark Lenard

…I was completely geeked to get a script of “The Empire Strikes Back” for $8 at an auction (Which I still own, naturally)

…And I also have an original “Picture Vinyl” Record of the Star Trek theme song by Alexander Courage.

…I send fan mail to moderators
…And one has actually modified my sig line in another forum to say so.
…And I left it there.

Oh yeah, and I RPG all over the place. D&D 3.5, Eberron Campaign, Batman, Time Lord, Munchkin, Toon… (Toon is our favorite.)
And I think Fear The Boot has the greatest podcasts.

Thank you. I’ve been struggling with one corner of a crossword puzzle for about a century, and that’s the word I needed.

You’re so nerdy, you think about crosswords whilst browsing The Dope. I think we have a winner, folks! :smiley:

We went to both Riverside, Iowa and Vulcan, Alberta on our vacation this spring. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, we met many Dopers and people from a different message board along the way.

i would pick him - but that would be nepotism or some form of favoritism . . . he’s my boyfriend :smiley:

I love all these responses - they are great. But I’m really struggling for a clear-cut winner. Who would you all vote for??

How dare you omit the homicidal misfit Lon Suder from ST:VGR!

What a bunch of nerds! I bow to your supreme nerdiness.

I have been to Star Trek Conventions, the 2006 World Fantasy Convention, and the 2008 Harry Potter Portus Convention.

I’ve been to a Buffy Singalong and to Can’t Stop the Serenity. I have a CD of the Bedlam Bards singing Firefly-inspired songs, and I cry every time they get to the end of Wash’s song.

I’m an obsessive Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Dr. Who fan. (My love for the Doctor is a new one, but strong nonetheless.)

I own 3 or 4 copies of The Canterbury Tales and read them frequently.

I frequently sort people I know into Hogwarts Houses.

When I’m in line for a HP book (no more, alas) release or movie opening, or Browncoat event, or something of that nature, my sisters and I always have a rousing game of “who would you do,” the purpose being to come up with such disgusting choices that the person being questioned would prefer suicide.

Sigh–I just can’t compete with y’all.

Just because I never submitted myself for your review:

. . .I loved attending my first Dragon*Con so much I dragged my boyfriend and 2 of my friends to attend with me the second year.

. . .I gave blood for the first time ever just to get a free special edition Dragon*Con t-shirt for my bf. (he hadn’t arrived yet).

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(that actually says something.)

It sounds like you compete but are just younger than many of us and have yet had time to spread your ráma*. :smiley:

I used to play dozens of different RPGs but now only D&D. I haven’t played a serious game of chess in about 20 years. I listed a lot of high school stuff that I left behind 2 decades ago. I am also eclectic so my nerdy interests are all over the place.

  • Q. for Wings


Using what tool? Or is it just instinct?

Please PM this thread’s OP. She’s been hankerin’ to get sorted, but the best I can do is tell her “not Slytherin.”


I have a binary clock.

I had one of those weird sort-of-dreams where you watch your brain boot up one morning, and mine appears to run some flavor of UNIX.

This raises a question. Nerd interest can be deep, because nerddom is an obsessive state. But how wide can your interests be before you lose that essential note of slightly stale cluelessness? Can one really be a Renaissance Nerd?

(If so, I am definitely one.)

I don’t know, but I am still obsessive enough in three key areas to keep my Geek Status. Tolkien, Yankees and the SDMB. My Rpg’ing and gaming is way down. I have not been in the SCA since I was a teen. Do you have a wide range of geeky interests but still are strongly obsessive in a few select ones? If so I think you still qualify. My example would be that I can enjoy minute detailed arguments/discussions on Balrog Wings, Elf Ears and whether or not Sting gleamed when fighting large Evil Spiders. I can and do spend hours talking Yankees and Baseball and analysing free agents and the farm system. As to the SDMB, I apparently have the second highest posting rate.

All right - there are some fine nerds in this thread. :cool:
Time to up the stakes:

I’m so nerdy that …

I taught myself chess out of a book (‘Chess for Children’ by Bott and Morrison)
I taught myself COBOL out of a book (A Guide to COBOL Programming by Daniel D. McCraken)
I ran my school chess team
I ran my University chess team
I was captain and also secretary of my club chess team
I was General Secretary of my National Chess Federation
I’m running one roleplaying game here and played in 3 others
I was a member of the UK Tolkien Society and got a reply from JRR Tolkien
When the launch of Civilisation 4: Colonisation was announced (Sep 26), I bought a copy of the 1994 game Colonisation to practice

I would type more, but a woman is looking at me. :eek::confused::o

Oh yeah, well I’m so nerdy I’m going to tell you right in this thread to give an update in my game. :smiley:
And I bow to your nerdiness as I see that you did.

I just remembered one more: I was accused of having a trebuchet in my backyard, in response to a snarky post here on the Dope. And I’m so nerdy I take that as a compliment!

I’m nerdy enough that I

build 1/35 scale models of WWII armor
bend itty bitty 1/16 inch photo-etched pieces of brass to go on said models
have two airbrushes to paint those models
read Pratchett
read urban fantasy stuff and accompany my GF the author to conventions
would rather roll a critical hit on a Saturday night than go out to a bar
have GM’d
I’m not nerdy enough to consider LoTR as anything other than overly wordy and poorly edited crap.

Infidel! Heretic!