Fish Warrior??! Gimme a fuckin' break, you 'extreme' douchebags

National Geographic’s newest show. He’s an extreme fisherman who goes after extreme fish, fish that don’t take no shit from anybody because that’s the way they rol… um, swim. There’s another similar show somewhere called River Monster with some other extreme fisherman, and the Nat Geo folks even use the term ‘River Monster’ on their home page.

And it takes a special kind of fisherman to go after the extremely fishy fish. A fisherman who pumps lead weights while the bait is dangling, who is impervious to UV and fish smell. A fisherman with an enormous budget to travel the world battling against creatures with brains the size of snow peas.

Jeebus Kee RIST!

Most people who consider themselves extreme this or extreme that are just stupid people who do dangerous things without even minimal safety precautions. It is a trend that will bever die because there stupid people seem to breed so rapidly.

I’ve decided I want to be an extreme ethnomusicologist. I’m gonna go to remote villages and beat the tradional songs out of the elders if I have to, or even if I don’t! But first I’m gonna kick the ass of some kid singing a nursery rhyme, just so they know I’m fuckin SERIOUS!

I’m an Xtreem couch potato myself. Unafraid to patrol the wildest, most dangerous areas of my living room, in my underwear, while eating junk food off the filthiest plates in the world. Where’s my fucking camera crew ?! The world needs to know my story.

(seriously though, you guys have got *fishing *shows ? I think the old “watching paint dry” standard’s been topped. Which is pretty extreme.)

Exteme fishing in my book means leaping into the river and throttling those fish with your bare hands. As soon as you start with the rods and the hooks and the boats ‘n’ shizzle you’ve lost… no fish is going to respect that, they’ll just laugh at you from their watery lairs.

Same as hunting - as soon as you bring your gun you’ve basically wimped out. It’s bare hands or (at most) a rock… if you can still take down that grizzly then you’re entitled to call yourself a hunter, otherwise stick to plinking bottles in the back yard.

I like River Monster, though I haven’t heard of this “Fish Warrior” show. River Monster isn’t really a fishing show; it’s more of a, “whoa, huge fish legend? Let’s go talk to the locals, travel through rough environments, and maybe get photos of something huge,” kind of a show. And yeah, leaping into the river is often involved.

So it’s not this guy, then? I don’t think anyone else deserves the title.

I’ve seen it, but around here I think they call the show Monster Fish or some such BS.
To be honest more often than not Fox’s ownership of the National Geographic* channel is a bit too much to take. Fear mongering is the name of the game for those guys. Even in the fishing programs “Yes, it’s conceivable that this devil catfish may attack a human!”, plus the other half of the programs that deal with some catastrophe (real or hypothesized), wild animals, crime, etc, etc… and how they may or may not my kill you.
And don’t get me started on that guy (Dr. something something Brady?) who’s program basically consists of the guy looking for some wild animal, jumping on it and then screaming like a little girl when he gets bitten, kicked or looked at funny by said animal.
There’s the other half (perhaps less than half actually) of the programming which actually bears some resemblance with the magazine and documentaries of days past and it’s well worth watching.
*They rebranded the channel to Nat Geo some time ago, evidently they consider their audience too dimwitted to process long words.

“Extreme fishing” would be only if the guy had to catch piranhas with his mouth ; his hands would be tied behind his back, and he would be naked in a water teeming with candirus.

“River Monsters” rules. Great show.

Yeah, River Monsters is about eight seconds of fishing and thirty three minutes of “I wonder if the lesser-spotted tyrannosaur trout is responsible for the deaths of these villagers?”.

Since it’s broadcast in America, the rest is of course commercials.

We watched an episode and a half of River Monsters yesterday and I thought it was pretty good. As soon as we heard ‘Fish Warrior is next,’ we laughed and changed the channel. You can’t call your show that and expect me to take it seriously or spend time on it. On the positive side, douchebag is getting kind of worn out, and Fish Warrior would be a great substitute.

We also have hunting shows. Which is even less exciting than it sounds. It consists mostly of some guy sitting behind a bush waiting for a deer or a turkey to show up. Unless he’s hunting on a ranch or something, in which case it consists of some guy sitting up in a tree near the (filled) feeding station waiting for a deer or an elk.

I flip by Animal Planet every so often, but there never seem to be any actual animals on the screen, so not impressed.

I’ve only seen one River Monster, but I was impressed - the guys were “noodlin’”, which is using your fat fingers as bait for 250# catfish! Now that deserved the title “extremely nuts”.

That might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. The only title that guy deserves is douchebag of the decade.

I am intrigued by your idea and would like to subscribe to your magazine.

Oh, I agree. I thought “douchebag” was implied in the title “Fish Warrior”.

Yeah, like any of those losers have ever known the agony of having a pretzel stuck in their navel. Buncha pussies.

Give him a break.

His accent sounds like it’s from New Zealand, and sometimes those Kiwis needs a change of scenery from jumping on sheep. Jumping on marlin seems like a reasonable enough diversion.

Where the hell were you when I was looking for a reason to stay in grad school?

Ethnomusicology program dropout

I like River Monsters. They did a show about the Snakehead fish this past week that was really interesting. I heard about this fish and how it’s destroying native fish populations so I was drawn to the show. You can almost say they reeled me in! :wink: