Fishmas Tree!

A Christmas tree in a Japanese aquarium.

Frankly, I was shocked!

The name of the guy who set it up?


Watt does it mean???

It’s kind of fishy but now I want to power my Christmas tree with an eel.

I love threads about current affairs.

It isn’t something I’d want in my ohm

Do they charge admission?

I’ll have to keep an ion this.

I bet it’s just a plug for a new product or something.

Electricity puns in a fish-related thread? What’s next, gambling? I’m sharked, I tell you. Sharked.

we’re just doing it for the halibut

This thread is fun for all the boys and gills.

You’ve gotta get up really eely to beat you guys.

I winder how much resistance the idea initially met with.

Now that’s the way to conduct a PR campaign.

Thomas Edo-son would be so proud.

Don’t get crabby when all you get is Fisher Price toys for Christmas.

Is this something the average person could afford? Does the eel work for scale?

You have to be careful when working with eels. If you make them mad, they might revolt.

O Christmas tree, with electric eel…

They slip him a fin.