Fix my hose (please)

I bought a automatic garden hose container/winder-upper/thing off of last month. I finally got around to installing it yesterday, and ran into a problem - this big huge honking nozzle end on my hose. I think it’s some sort of handle to aid you in screwing it onto the faucet - nice for that job, but impossible to connect to my fancy new contraption.

What are my options? I’d think there might be a short section (1-2 feet) of hose I could buy to make the connection. Or I could cut the handle off and attach a new piece of hardware, but I have no idea how hard that may be, or if the parts are easily available.

Any other suggestions? If I’m unclear, let me know and I’ll try to dig up some links.

Chop off the hose end and put on a new one - every hardware store sells them, and they are trivial to install.

short, 3 to 6 feet, hoses used to connect to such devices or manifolds and splitters. i’ve seen those in home and garden stores.

Sounds like a plan.

My hose has a handle on it like the one you’ve described. In my case, it’s just a plastic addition to a standard metal hose end. With enough force, I was able to slide it off the metal hose end so that I could use it in tight fits. The nice part is that the plastic addition is still there, and can still be snugged into place again when I do want it back.

Yours may be built differently, though.

Yes. Home Depot, Lowes, etc. carry them. In the “garden hose” section. Often right next to the garden hose container/winder-upper/things.

You could, it isn’t, and they are (again, in the “hose” section of the stores named above).

Doing it yourself is simple, perhaps a few bucks cheaper, should take less than a half-hour, and you get to do a “project” in the garage. If you’re into that sort of thing. Buying the short hose is easier and quicker, but has zero “project” factor.