January 23
1960 - Bathyscaph Trieste descends to deepest part of the ocean, Marianas Trench.
From Here
January 23
1960 - Bathyscaph Trieste descends to deepest part of the ocean, Marianas Trench.
From Here
Wow! I wonder how many times we’ve been down there and for how long?
I have never heard of this before! Wonderful. How long was it down there for? Did it ever go back? I need to know more.
Why didn’t anyone tell me about this?!?!? You’d think that all the time I spend on this board, someone would have mentioned this before.
Hmmmm … not sure what all the sarcasm is about. The web site clearly labels it as “This Day in Naval History.” I’m not getting the joke.
I seem to vaguely recall something about a trench and maybe ocean salt on the earth’s crust. The search doesn’t pull up a single thing. Weird.
When was this? The 50’s? 70’s? I must know!!
How long did they stay down there?
I don’t know much about underwater exploration, but if I were to take an educated guess, I’d think back in 1960 technology wouldn’t allow one to stay in the Marianas trench much more than a quarter hour or so. I’ll bet that in the 48 years that have followed they’ve been down many more times and have stayed longer each time.
Yeah, color me also.
It’s an in-board joke. Someone made a simulpost about the Marianas trench, and now “Once. In the 1960s. For 20 minutes” has become one of the board catchphrases, like “Hi, Opal!” and “Gotcha ya!” [/wet blanket]
I’m sorry. The correct answer is “Rio” by Duran Duran.
That would be the extended mix right? It runs about 20 minutes.
Yes. It was released in 1960. But only once.
When go back, take pie.
But what if the submarine was on a treadmill? This will end of imploding in it I tell you!
I burning your Bathyscaph.
Somebody set us up the implosion!
Well this is all very fine and dandy and, eh, stuff, but if you could extract all the salt from the Marianas trench and lay it out flat in a one inch wide line from, say, New York to LA (and possibly back again), I am still at a loss as to how many many rocks in a box and burning Labradors would need to be on a treadmill at the same time (under the scrutiny of James Randi of course) to alleviate the effects of just two (2) bags of bacon salt.
I see four (4) possibilities:
1 - One
2 - Two
3 - Three
4 - Four
Did I forget something?