Flash overrules Javascript?

I’ve got a website that uses a Javascript drop-down menu at the top and had considered adding a flash animation (which I spent hours on) to the intro page. When I combine the two, I find that the Flash animation always covers up the JS drop down selections, thereby rendering it useless. Is it possible to have the JS on top of the Flash? Has anyone tried the combo of the two successfully and if so, how’d you do it?

Flash wins. Do the drop down menu in flash as well, or put the animation where they wont collide.


Argh. Thanks- I’ve only got the trial version of Flash so I wouldn’t be able to modify the website once I put it up. I’m not familiar enough with how to do buttons and menus as well as animations so I don’t know if I could justify the purchase price. I hate to use an animated gif…

…I don’t know if you’re working on something that absolutely demands content such as Flash/anim Gifs/whatever, but if not I’d really go for the old “more is less” rule and leave out the animation.

Thank you for your input. I’ll switch over to ascii art immediately.

Plus, ummm… Flash is cool.

Go to http://www.flash.com and look at some of the flash sites of the day. Awesome.
