Flatulence in space

AKA “the best starfighter in the galaxy” and a cunning warrior…

:p:p:p:p:p spew :p:p:p:p :smiley:

a “cutting fartier”?..

Sometimes I fart when we’re “launching the rocket”. :eek:

Rule 34.

I’ve often heard that the feats of Le Petomane were a cunning stunt.

And of course the wife of Le Petomane was a stun…


…yeah, that.

Going boldly where no man has gone before. Exhaust, clear! Rocket nozzle, clear! PAAAAAARP! THWOMP!*

  • The “paaaarp” was heard within the suit and the “thwomp” was the sound a fart makes in space.

According to “A house in space”, a biography of the Skylab mission, one thing the Skylab designers overlooked, in the zero-G department, was pressurising the water. It was stored in tanks around the main work area, pressurised by injecting air into the tanks as the water was consumed.

Unfortunately without gravity, air is not lighter than water, so they just mixed together. The water got bubblier and bubblier as it was used up. The food packs, rehydrated by squirting hot water into a plastic pouch, were liable to explode. And being filled with bubbly water didn’t do the astronauts’ guts much good either.

As crew member William Pogue said, “Farting about 500 times a day is not a good way to go.”