"Flights of Angels Sing Thee to Thy Rest..." [badchad banning]

Thou fucking troll.

Heartfelt thanks to the mods.


About fucking time.

Link to ATMB thread announcing the ban.

Conga line starts here…
Na Na NAH Na
Na Na NAH Na


*Stone Cold Steve Austin substituted this line after winning a loser leaves town match against Vince McMahon. I like it better than the original.

Y’know, watching the whole badchad melt-down, I was reminded of the Road Runner cartoons I loved so dearly as a little kid. You know, when Wile E. Coyote would plunge off the end of a cliff, and fall down. . .down. . .down, and you’d think “how the hell long can one stupid coyote (or troll) be in freefall, before hitting the ground and going splat?” It was like that. 'Bout bloodydamn time.

Thread title changed to be more descriptive.

thanks - I thought it was about John Ashcroft, but then I looked at the OP’s name and got :confused:

Badchad , if you can hear me, peace be with you.

badchad, Quellious still loves you.


Giraffe, I thought we were not suppose to have threads like this following a banning. Is there an exception being made for BC?

Not that I disagree with the banning, I just wonder if you should have closed this instead of just changing the title.


Out of curiosity, what was the offending sig?

I’m guessing it’s a quote from Polycarp that, at least out of conext, paints Poly in an unflattering light. Am I right?

My understanding is that they are discouraged, but not forbidden.

You can open his profile to see it.

And until the Mods close it, we will dance the Dance of Joy. Ho-pa!


Thanks Miller.


Dunno that they’ve spelled it out completely, but often the threads opened after a banning involve questions/debating if/why the poster got banned. Doesn’t seem to be happening here (and I rather think that Dex’s thread in ATMB delivers the ‘why’ in a very succinct manner.) Further, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lotta ‘gosh how could anyone be so cru-el as to ban him’ sentiment (especially given the multi page threads “why hasn’t he been banned yet”).

so, this does indeed seem to fall into the “gloating the guy is gone” type that the PTB often do seem to wish wouldn’t be started, as the objet’ du pitting is unable to respond.

In any event, I’m sure if some one wants it closed, it will be closed.

It’s a bit murky. We generally don’t want threads which are nothing but bashing away at a banned poster, because it’s pointless and kind of shitty. At the same time, we don’t want to squash discussion of administrative actions. So discussion of badchad’s banning is fair game, including discussion of badchad’s actions which one believes made the banning justified/unjustified. If the thread devolves into nothing but posts about what an asshole badchad was, I’ll probably close it.

Thank you for the clarification.


All the other mods could be paragons of virtuous statesmanship, and still be outweighed on the morality scale by that lying, weaselly, hypocritical, father rapin’, blowhard, unidexter scumbag tomndebb. Having said that, they managed to stumble blindly across a nugget of wisdom with this most recent action.

Damn, Contra - don’t hold back, man, tell us how you really feel.