She was 82. Best known for the Brady Bunch. She also had a successful career in Broadway musicals before her tv career.
I’m pretty sure that I recently saw her in the audience of DWTS. She often came to see the show in person.
She was 82. Best known for the Brady Bunch. She also had a successful career in Broadway musicals before her tv career.
I’m pretty sure that I recently saw her in the audience of DWTS. She often came to see the show in person.
Yeah, she was in the DWTS audience Monday for the finale. I watched and recall seeing her in a quick shot of the audience.
She apparently was healthy right up to the end. That’s how I want to go. A quick death is better than lingering in a nursing home.
Brady Bunch was slightly before my time; I remember her mostly as the Wesson Oil Lady. R.I.P.
You didn’t think you were making it out of 2016 alive, did you Florence?
RIP Carol Brady.
Florence dancing in 2010. She was 76.
I recall them saying she had starred in a production of The Sound of Music in the early 60’s. She was so thrilled to briefly reprise that role on DWTS.
She was such a unique and out going lady. Full of life. She’ll be missed.
This article has a very complete bio on Florence’s life and long career.
RIP Mrs. Brady…now joining Mr. Brady and Alice.
Bit of trivia: She was Johnny Carson’s first guest host on the Tonight Show in 1962.
Cripes, I guess MeTV will be wall-to-wall Brady Bunch reruns this weekend.
Well, it usually is anyway.
She seemed like a nice lady though. RIP.
She was also reportedly a font of incredibly raunchy stories, according to some of her friends and former co-stars.
My kind of lady.
I hope she rests in peace with Tiger, Fluffy, Mike, Alice and the father of her girls who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. My sympathy goes out to Marcia, Cindy, Greg, Peter, Bobby and Cousin Oliver. Jan can just get bent as always.
RIP, mom.
Aw, bummer. She had a great sense of humor.
Tom Bergeron talks about his friend Florence.
Although like most of you I first knew her as “Mom” Brady, I can appreciate what truly hot stuff she was just before that. I guess we’ll never really know the truth about her and Barry Williams. Both maintained that they just went on a couple of awkward dates, but…
I always think of her in Amish Paradise
Florence to Barry Williams on The Weakest Link: “I’m never going to date you again!”
I’m reminded of her death scene in the series Police Squad! She was hurriedly substituted for John Belushi, who had actually died before the episode was aired.
She had a part in a Dan Band video a while back that showed off her off-color sense of humor.