Florida is Officially Fucked

Happy happy joy joy!

Hey, Rat they cant keep the Sharknado train running forever.

Just so long as Australian tourists don’t bring any drop bears…

More like a Frilled Ren.

Sharks On A Train.

Oh those damn drop bears.

We have spiders the size of drop bears. Do those count?

Have we heard anything of, from, or about DeSantis since this Trump Covid thing broke?

I thought the cockroaches had chased them out.

Yesterday he doubled down that closing schools last year was a mistake and kids should’ve been doing in-person classes the whole time.

So far he’s been radio-silent about Trump’s latest predicament.

Palmetto bugs? Those are cat toys.

That would be the Florida Panther, right?

No, seriously. We had those bugs in New Orleans; the cats played with the ones that managed to squeeze under the closed garage door – then ate 'em.

Maybe the New Orleans ones aren’t as hearty?

I dunno know. All I’ve heard is that they’re tracked by local Air Traffic Control.

These last posts got me to thinking about the panthers interbreeding with the herons and the next thing we know we’ll have flying panthers chasing the ATC-tracked palmetto bugs for food.

Won’t have to worry about those pesky drones taking chix-pix at the beach anymore; the flying panthers will use them as chase-toys.

Now that SciFi movie I would watch.

Dronenado Vs. Kittybugs?

Who’s a cute kittybug? You are! You arrgghh… my spleen!

Florida. Panthers X herons. That’s besides the coyotes interbreeding with the crocodiles. Strange doings down there in the sunshine state. Maybe a little too much sunshine.

It’s a very … fertile … place. With almost no taboos; anything will f*** anything else that moves. And many things that won’t.

Nice kitty. Good kitty!