Florida jumping into the "evolution" kerfuffle


Okay, from what I can tell, many of these intelligent design/creationist advocates lack one thing…a basic understanding of what a “theory” is when you’re talking “scientific theory.” IIRC, “theory” when you’re talking science means it’s pretty much established fact. It’s just a matter of semantics.

Sigh…I thought we’d dodged this bullet. Stay tuned…

“We think evolution should be taught but all about evolution strengths and weaknesses,” said Stemburger.

I agree. Let’s see if this evolution thing stands up to scrutiny.

Oh no! Humans haven’t evolved in the past 100 years! Ergo, evolution is wrong! See, I used the word “ergo!” I can be all scientificy too!


Sure we’ve got sun and surf, but you have to deal with idiots on occasion.

Well, I’m hoping the idiots are not on the state school board.


Stellar, 2nd Law.