Florida teen dies of coronavirus after her mother took her to a corona virus party to intentionally infect her

Hell we have an active MPSIMS about someone so excited to go out to a bar to have a burger and beer:

That person is posting from Canada. Canada has about as many new cases in a day as Florida has in thirty minutes and in some places there are no new cases at all. It is fine to go out to a restaurant here, as the ones that are open are subjected to very careful conditions.


For example, Manitoba has reported 25 cases in the past MONTH.
Manitoba has a population of 1.4 million.

Directly south of Manitoba is North Dakota. North Dakota (pop 760,000 or about half of Manitoba’s) had 103 cases TODAY, July 16.

25 in a month
103 TODAY.

With half the population.

That’s the difference a functioning government response can make.

Wow. I‘ll post that fact on FB — astounding.

Indeed. We’ve been out to our local bar and restaurants and have even travelled overnight to stay in a BnB. Our servers all wore masks and the tables were well spaced.
But our province has a total 168 cases, 163 recovered, 2 deaths, and 3 active and currently in quarantine. I can’t find a total test count but they did over 4,000 in three days when there was an outbreak in one area of the province. I think normally they do about 40 tests per day.
It is slightly worrying that because we have such a low count people are not being careful enough. On the other hand, it’s nice to live life relatively normally.

Manitoba is an outlier, even for western Canada. Saskatchewan is currently seeing an outbreak in the southwest part of the province. We had been at a trickle of cases - single digit new cases per day, 50 or so active at any time - for the past several weeks, but there were 42 new cases yesterday stemming mostly from outbreaks at some Hutterite colonies - Hutterites are a religious sect theologically related to Amish and Mennonites. They live communally, don’t socialize with people outside their communities (but do go shopping and such), but also don’t eschew technology to any great extent. Think of them as Amish who live in communes and drive giant tractors with GPS tracking. Covid got into their communities via some big funeral in Alberta last month and has apparently been spreading under the radar until now.

Anyways, our government and Manitoba’s governments have been doing more or less the same thing, but we have a total of 923 cases, 794 recovered, 15 deaths, 114 active at the moment, with just over 1 million population. Still pretty good, but we have some work to do right at the moment and people haven’t been taking things terribly seriously here recently.

Thank you! Fascinating.