Flush. Pee. Flush (optional).

I have wondered this forever, and I finally have to ask: What’s the deal with guys who flush the urinal before they pee? Then, many of those same guys don’t flush after they pee. I’m not talking about the guy who pre-flushes because the dude before him coughed up a lung and half a pack of chew; I can understand that. I’m talking about flushing clean (?!) water.

What gives? Were they never taught the proper order of operations in the bathroom? Did they skip the lecture on cause and effect back in elementary school? Are you a pre-flusher? What’s your excuse?

I’ll join you in the nameless, faceless crowd of the befuddled. It seems overly anal, but the guy I work with who does it doesn’t wash his hands after he pees.

I am not a guy, so this is new to me.
People actually do this? Flush before peeing? It just doesn’t make sense. I am baffeled by the thought of this.
ick ick ick ewwwww

Pre-flushing pushes the drain monsters about ten feet down the pipes. By the time they make it back, you’re finished with your business and ready for the second flush. The second flush gives you time to zip up and leave the area without being attacked.

It’s simple, really.

Pre-flushing is a game. You’d flush and as it is emptying, you pee to try to fill it back up. Legend has it that the man who can beat the flushing will be the next king.

You knw how the sound of waterfalls, rainstorms, rivers, etc. tend to make one have to pee? It helps get you started.

Also some folks (myself being one) have a more difficult time getting started with an audience around. If someone is in the urinal next to me, a flush adds a little noise and makes it easier to get going.

Or maybe I’m just screwed up.

Splashbacks. Would you rather get splashed by relatively clean water or a pool of stale urine from someone else’s bladder?

Yes. It’s happened before.

As Max Carnage said. I have noticed at my work’s restroom, some women also tend to flush before they start to go. It’s uncomfortable for some to start making noises, although as natural as they are, if they know someone might over-hear them…or come out and ‘face’ your audience.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just modify your peeing technique so that you don’t have to worry about splashback? Call me silly, but that approach has worked pretty well for me.

Well, I do this at home, but only because that’s the only way my toilet bowl gets cleaned. See, when the water level’s down, I can sort of, powerspray, I guess, gunk off the surface of the bowl. I’m cleaning it one small spot at a time.

In day long past when ships sailed at the whimsy of the wind the clear yellow fluid was collected in barrells for laundry purposes. Susposedly made a good detergent substitute, or so I have been told and have read to that effect. :slight_smile:

In day long past when ships sailed at the whimsy of the wind the clear yellow fluid was collected in barrells for laundry purposes. Susposedly made a good detergent substitute, or so I have been told and have read to that effect. :slight_smile:

No flushing before OR after!

I guess I sort of understand the flush-pee part what with the noise factor and all. I always thought it was some kind of game to finish peeing before the toilet finished flushing. I fail to understand, though, why you wouldn’t add the final flush.

It’s nothing short of guhross to leave urine, even a small amount, in the toilet bowl.

[insert blech smiley here]

Why, they’re Racing the Flush of course.

I don’t know anything about guys who flush clean water first before they pee in it, but at my workplace they have those 1-gallon-per-flush urinals. I don’t know whether there isn’t enough water pressure to flush the urinal out, or whether a gallon is just not enough water to do it. Somebody who works there has dark yellow, cloudy, smelly urine, and the last thing I want to do is to stand with my nose in the direct line of smell and stir it up while doing my own business. So I have to flush the remnants first. Ew, I have to go away and think cleansing thoughts now.

I am SO glad I don’t need to use an urinal.

But I do have a question though, if you guys are so concerned about backsplashes and whatnot, why is it that you are (probably) the same guys that pee all over a toilet rim and/or seat? Is it okay to sit in it if it’s your pee and not someone elses?

Those of us who are smart put the seat up first. Nobody sits on the rim, that’s just silly.

It’s just as easy to flush first and if you get in the habit of it, you never have to worry about aiming wrong and having it happen again.

What was your point in this? Do you have access to some secret scientific study linking urinal flushers to toilet seat wetters? If not, your post was not only pointless, it was needlessly inflammatory.

What was so inflammatory about my post? I did not accuse or condemn anybody. Lighten the heck up. This thread is about peeing, for Pete’s sake. :smiley:

Your post, on the other hand, was rather inflammatory and insinuating that my post was derogatory.

This ain’t Great Debates, so get off my back.

You made a blanket statement towards everyone in this thread, accusing us, and anyone else that has similiar habits, of urinating all over toilet seats. While it didn’t offend me, it *did * annoy me and I doubt I would be alone in feeling that way. Hence, it’s inflammatory.

And pointless too. I still fail to see what relevance it had to this thread.