Flying the Flag

I thought this would be the best board for this…

Congress has asked that Americans that can to fly the American flag tomorow. I am already doing so, and I encourage all of you to do the same. If you hang the flag somewhere, please make sure that the union (stars) is in the upper right hand corner from the viewer’s position. Thank you.

Not much of a debate…

Actually, something strikes me as strange. Is it at all hypocritical that it takes a tragedy such as this to get people to fly the flag and show some patriotism? I’m not suggesting that people don’t fly the flag and don’t show their patriotism (I believe we NEED to come together as ONE nation), but will those who are so fervent in showing their support still be so zealous a year from now?

Um, the code seems to be to have the union (blue field with stars) to the viewers LEFT, the union should be displayed to the FLAG’S right if hung vertically. If hung from a standard flag pole then just have the union on the top (since right or left will depend on which side of the flagpole you are viewing).

Half mast or full mast?

Let’s remember that there are people in this country, good people, whose religious beliefs prohibit the display of national emblems of any sort. Just for the heck of it, let’s not let the anger spill over into yet another condemnation of a group of people based on that people’s religion.

Heh, I don’t own a flag and I have two bucks that’s going for gas. I see a lot of flags about though.


Yes. Of course. Silly me. Honestly, that’s what I meant to type. Bother.

Right now, flags are at half mast. Mine, however, is hung from a window. :slight_smile:

Well, I’ve personally never been very patriotic and flying the flag now – while harmless and well-intentioned – would probably be a little disengenuous in my case. On the other hand, I am quite proud to be a New Yorker, so if I can find something that reflects that it’s going up.

I fail to see how the flag could constitute an offense to anybody’s religon. I like to think that I am even more tolerant of different faiths than the next guy, but come on. Who would be offended by the nations flag in the wake of such a tragedy? If their religous beliefs forbid them from flying the flag, so be it. They don’t forbid me from flying it. It is not a symbol of hatred, it is not a symbol of anger, and it is not a symbol of condemnation. Don’t you think you are carrying this a bit to far, Monty? I mean, really, the flag?

You see, that’s why there’s the expression “Religious Differences.” Some religions actually prohibit nationalism in any form.

I am quite sure that you are tolerant. From what I’ve seen of you, you are level-headed and intelligent.

I didn’t say the members of any religious group would be offended per se; however, I did say that some people’s religious beliefs prohibited them from displaying national emblems.


As I said above.

Never said it was. However, it most definitely is a national emblem. And there honestly are people who honestly feel their religion prohibits displaying national emblems of any type. And, as I said above, these are good people. They just happen to like to practice their religion.

No, I don’t. I have already heard people IRL lambasting others for not having flags displayed on their lawns or autos. The fact still remains that some people are just as sincere in their religious beliefs as you and I are in ours. Not so long ago on this message board, there was a sort of lengthy discussion about school children who would not stand for the pledge of allegiance. Read this thread, please:

Happy to help you there, Varlos. From the Flags of the World website, the New York City flag.

Beeblebrox, I think he was referring to any discrimination directed toward those people who can’t fly a flag. Simple mistake. No worries.

I don’t know about anybody else, but when Congress asks me to do something, I instinctively want to do the opposite.

If I want to fly the flag, I don’t need Congress telling me to do it. Idiot politicians taking the opportunity to look patriotic.