Fog Guns

Okay, back in the 1940s Bucky Fuller patented his Dymaxion bathroom, which included a fog gun in the shower. I’ve been trying to find more info on the fog gun, but haven’t had any luck. The patent (2,220,482) for the Dymaxion bathroom doesn’t mention it in any detail, and the only thing I’ve been able to find with any kind of detail is this. Which doesn’t get into the mechanics of the fog gun as much as I’d like.

Supposedly, there have been showers using fog guns built, but I’ve not been able to find anything on them. Anybody got a clue?

Yeah, but does that book have any more details than the ones I’ve got (which isn’t much)?

Ahh, they’re 1920s style “Death Rays”.

Given the choice, I’d rather have a rain room.

Not that that link is much help either…

From cornflakes’ link:

Doesn’t sound like a great idea to me; all that dead skin, grease and dirt isn’t just going to magically vanish; it’s going to end up being deposited somewhere in your bedroom (actually, probably everywhere in your bedroom).

The other possible downside of this system is the likelihood, depending on where you used it, of breathing the mist too much. The “fog” would have some sort of cleansing solution in it, as well as microbes.

Actually, am I showing my tin foil hat off a bit much? I was warned once to make sure when purchasing a shower head to pay attention to the size of the water drops it creates, because of these aforementioned concerns.

No, no, no. Pay attention! They’re 1940s style “Bath Rays!”

Well, I’m not really interested in using the fog gun as a bathroom fixture, I was thinking more of along the lines of a dishwasher or clothes washer.