Follow-up to Medusa is out!

At long last, The Scarecrow of Os has been published in Classical World. A refereed journal, no less. Volume 107 Number 3, pp. 383-392 (Spring 2014). It addresses things I’ve learned since Medusa got published, fourteen years ago. Not all of them (it got cut twice), but at least some of them finally got into print.
(Heck, I’ve already got a list of things I’ve learned since Zap! got published last fall.)

I’ve been working madly on my next mythology book, Sons of God. I ignored what I’ve already written and started from scratch, and am on the fourth chapter already.

Congratulations :slight_smile:

You will let us know when the book is published, right? Right?

I just got my contributor’s copy in the mail today. I was afraid they weren’t going to send me one, and that I’d have to track down a copy at the library.