Food Products That You Miss

I haven’t seen Moon Pies in long time.

I have to agree with Morgyn about Choco-lite bars.
Loved 'em! I miss Pringles Corn Crisps, the corn chip version of Pringles chips-in-a-can. Can’t seem to find then anywhere in NY.

Lime flavored Starburst candies I almost cried when they got rid of that one.

Hell, I’m the opposite. I can’t get away from the damn things. Here in DC they’re in most convenience stores and lunchy-type places, and in Arlington (just across the river) you can get these anywhere, any time you want. Chocolate, vanilla and banana (some smaller markets have the strawberry and lemon kinds, too).
I can’t stand them. The cookie part is too crumbly and dry, and as for the marshmallow, well, if I wanted that, I’d get a box of Mallomars.

I haven’t been able to find Wish-Bone garlic & lemon pepper salad dressing since 1981. That was the only salad dressing I liked as a kid and when they stopped making it, I went off greens for two months. Then my mom showed me how to make bleu cheese dressing and I haven’t looked back. The Wish-bone stuff was good as a marinade, too. I’ve tried other ones, but there’s something missing.

I also seem to have trouble finding chili-cheese Fritos. Not the BBQ ones, but the chili-cheese ones that smelled like someone had stepped in Hormel chili with “frito feet”. Don’t ask why, I just liked 'em.

Oh Morgyn, Choco-Lits! I haven’t thought about them in a long time! We are just starting to get some of the Tasty Cakes up this way, but no Kandy Kakes yet! Most of the time when we go down to visit the folks we don’t get a chance to get to the store to get some. (just as well my doctor has me on kind of a diet) I know they ship them anywhere, but somehow it’s not the same.

When I was in high school there was a candy bar called PB Maxx. . . a little square cookie topped with THE BEST peanut butter ever found in candy, then sprinkled with puffed rice and coated in chocolate. Put Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in the shade, I tell you. Haven’t been able to find them since sometime around sophomore year (sigh). At least they brought back Peanut Butter Twix.

Campbell’s Meatball Alphabet Soup

Keebler used to have a butter-flavored pretzel that was great.

And the original full-sized Tostito-brand tortilla chip, the nacho flavored one. D. Lish.


I thought I was the only person on the planet that loved Wigwags. I miss them so much.
Our American Friends of the SDMB tell me that ‘Marathon’ bars are somewhat akin to Wigwags, but have any of them offered to send one to me? Hmm? No.

Al, come hang out in Canmore. We’ll braid our own danged caramel.

You mean Crispy Rounds or Restaurant Style? I saw both of those in a local store a week or so ago.
Then again, if I missed the boat, they’re probably gone. I can only find the 2 I mentioned earlier and the mini version of the Crispy Rounds…
I miss Crystal Light’s grapefruit juice powder mix. Then they replaced it with “raspberry ice”. Bleh.

*Originally posted by GingerOfTheNorth *

That’s because they don’t make 'em anymore. Sigh. I loved Marathon bars as a kid.

Oh, Legomancer, I loved the original taco flavored Doritos SO much more too.

They also had a great, short-lived Monterey “Jumpin’ Jack” flavor that was fantastic.

The original flavour in Elmer’s Glue. Haven’t had that since grade three.

I’m not missing too much, but my wife swears that Carnation Breakfast Bars were better than sex. Mind you, this was all before she met me :slight_smile:

Oh, I also miss Sour Cream flavored Doritos. They were totally addictive.

I don’t see the Planters Cheese Balls around where I am. Could put away a can of those in about 30 minutes, so it’s probably best I can’t find them anywhere.

They were good, weren’t they?


*Originally posted by Motorgirl *

Try the guilt trip on some of the British SDMB’ers. I think that the Curlie Wurlie (sp?) is the equivalent of the Marathon (and, by extension, probably the WigWag.) As far as I know, the Curlie Wurlie is still around over there.

Chocolate Keebler grahm crackers. I dunno, I bet they just appeared in a store somewhere across the US just to make an ass out of me:mad:…but I swear I can’t find them ANYWHERE in California.

Ryan says, “…I miss Pringles Corn Crisps, the corn chip version of Pringles chips-in-a-can. Can’t seem to find then anywhere in NY.”

ME TOO!!! What the hell happened to those!?

What I really miss though are WAR HEADS… the HOT ones… they still sell the sour ones… but the hot ones were the best! :frowning: Now they just taunt and tease me with the sour ones. . . it jest isn’t fair.

Cheegles! Eagle brand round cheese puffs…the cats would chase them all over the house. And I’d eat them. They tasted like orange flavored styrofoam.

I miss them so.

Corr, who loves Taco Bell’s plastic cheese

For those of you who still yearn for some of the candy from yesteryear, try Nostalgic Candy and Groovy Candies. They might just have your favorite.