Food Products That You Miss

Anybody remember Sesame Flavored Doritos? They used to have commercials in the early 70’s with Avery Schreiber. Now those were tasty.

Speaking of Wonka, Inc.: What the Hades did they do to Oompahs?!? They used to be like peanut butter M&Ms (half PB and half chocolate), but were about an inch in diameter. Now they are these little chewy fruit things. Damn Wonka!!

I miss Mother’s Flaky Flix cookies. They were chocolate-covered wafers with corn-flake-looking crumbs on them.


This reminds me–one of my favorite cans ‘0’ soup of all times was the Campbell’s Chunky brand of beef stroganoff. Is it available anywhere?

I didn’t buy canned soups for a while (someone was cooking for me!) but then, when I went back to the soup aisle–it was gone!

Things I miss:

Nestle’s Alpine White bars - white chocolate with almonds

Black Cow suckers - like a Slow Poke, but chocolate-flavored

Swirled Charms Pops - my favorite was chocolate-vanilla

Grape Pop Rocks

Chunky Bars in flavors other than raisin-nut - I love the Original Chunky, but I wish the other flavors were still around too.

Reese’s Chunky Peanut Butter Cups - they had a chunky peanut butter center, and tiny peanut pieces mixed up in the chocolate coating. I liked them even better than the original Reese’s.

Mrs. Smith’s triple chocolate Boston cream pie - it had chocolate cake layers, a chocolate cream filling, and chocolate icing

I miss the original Whitman’s Sampler. The Whitman’s Sampler used to have special pieces that you couldn’t find in other chocolate assortments. Now it’s no different from Russell Stover.

Arthur Treacher’s Fish and Chips

Seek out T.G.I.F.'s Potato Skins…not exactly the same, but good enough to fool me…they’ll certainly whet the cravings.

Thought of another. The original Willie Wonka Tart’n’Tinies. They used to be these miniscule cylinders of pure sugar. I’d buy them at the candy counter of the town general store and when I got home I’d take them out of the package and stack them up to build very, very small castles before I ate them. Nowadays they have this brightly colored coating on them and they’re not stackable anymore. I think they’re the same old Tart’n’Tinies underneath but the coating ruins it.

Reggie Bars.

Say what you want. I liked them.

What’s a Reggie Bar? Was it some kind of candy bar?

The original TFD were my fave, too. (In recent years have become mildly addicted to Cool(er) Ranch). Prob’ly a good thing that TFD are no longer available, else I’d be a bit more Rubinesque than I already am!

Keebler made some very tasty sour cream and onion potato chips, not, of course, that I can remember the exact cutesy name of these puffy delights.

Yup, named after Reggie Jackson to give you how dated this is. It was round, about 3" diamter, with chocolate coating, scattered peanuts on top, caramel and other stuff inside. I loved them.

Warm breast milk. Can anybody help me out?

A few months ago I wanted to buy my favorite candy bar, Annabelle’s Rocky Road, in a red wrapper, and there weren’t any in the display. Since then I’ve checked whenever I think about it and I haven’t been able to find them. Does anyone know if they are not being manufactured anymore? I LOVE the marshmellow. All the good marshmellow candy bars, like Bun, are gone. And also, I just realized I haven’t seen the chocolate covered cherry center candy bar, shaped like a little mountain, lately (I forgot the name). Oh no.

I like anything cherry flavored. They used to make Cherry Crush pop several years ago, but now it’s gone. And no, strawberry Crush just isn’t the same.

I haven’t had or thought about Tater Skins in forever. Now I’d kill for some.

Also Nestle’s Triple Decker bar. Layers of Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate and Milk Chocolate. Test marketed in Boston, didn’t last long.

And Chocolate Cool Whip. Test marketed in NYC area, didn’t last long.

I miss Nestle Areo bars and Polos. They still make them, but I haven’t been able to find them in the U.S. I also miss the variety of cadbury goodies they have over there, I simply can’t bring myself to eat that american wax laden pathetic excuse for chocolate that they call Hersheys. I also wish they made cadbury creme eggs for more than just a few months out of the year. I love those things.

Is there a Neuhaus candy store anywhere near your home? Neuhaus carries all three kinds of Aero bars - the original milk chocolate, and the mint and orange varieties. You might also try looking for Aero bars in the Food section of Ebay. The other day someone was selling a whole case of Aero bars.

The Triple Decker bar sounds delicious. I wish I’d had the chance to try it.

They test-marketed Chocolate Cool Whip in Texas, too. I loved it. I used it to make a triple-chocolate pie - chocolate filling, chocolate crust, and chocolate Cool Whip on top.

Hey, does anyone remember Quisp and Quake cereals?
Much better than Cap’n Crunch today.
How 'bout those cornchips in a twister shape? What
were they called? cornscrews? corntwisters? Hmmm…

No, no Neuhaus candy stores, but I did find some on Ebay and am soon on my way to pure Aero bliss. Thank you!