Food Products That You Miss

Another one I miss. The original RC Cherry Cola. I’m not much for regular RC but the cherry, wow. They (at least locally) discontinued it when Coke came out with Cherry Coke. RC has since re-released it, but it tastes like pond water with a fake cherry flavor added. Just doesn’t cut it compared to the original. (May I suggest “Classic Cherry RC” to the folks at Royal Crown Cola?)

Ooooooo…RC Cola…

When I was a kid, I’d curl up with a Peach Nehi and a pudding-filled Hostess cupcake. Pure synthetic-tasting heaven! I can’t find either anymore. So sad.

One word and one word only… BOSCO!

But I will add that I used to know some ladies that were crazy about the shape of the bottle, too.

Screaming Yellow Zonkers! Damn i miss that, and Crunch’n’munch is not cutting it.

Crystal Pepsi, for reasons unknown.

Foods I miss:

Carnation Chocolate Breakfast Squares: they were like very dense brownies with thin chocolate coating on top. Tasted kinda strange but I loved 'em, especially with a nice ice-cold glass of milk.

Marathon Bars (I found a British equivalent a year or so ago but those seem to have disappeared too)

Wonka Oompas (the original peanut butter and chocolate ones)

Galaxy Minstrels: They probably still make these in England where I fell in love with them, but they sure don’t have 'em here in the U.S.

Mister Salty Pretzels in the dark blue box.

BTW, for those who miss Quisp, I think it might be coming back. And if it isn’t, the generic bagged cereal “Malt-o-Meal Sweet Crunch” is identical to Quisp–same shape, same taste, just no little alien dude on the box.

There are Tato Skins in the vending machines at work, and I’m just about to go buy me a bag (cheddar’n’bacon, or something).

One might also, if one is so inclined, check out The Quisp Website for all your Quispticious needs (and yes, they’ll ship).

NaSultainne: I believe the corn corkscrew things were called “Corkers”, but I could be wrong. I still miss Pizza Spins[sup]TM[/sup] by General Mills. One of those snacks in the Bugles line: little wheels that were oh so pizzarific. I could eat a whole box by myself. Another one of those I loved were Baconettes. Crispy bacon-flavored corn strips with a bacony-brown stripe printed down their center to fool the unwary snacker. No-one in our family liked them but me. :smiley: